i hate being sick. but mostly the kind of sick i am, because i don't look sick and no one understands.
not even the doctors.
i think i'd rather have a cold or the flu or herpes.lol.
biposy results? all negative. apparently i'm fine. i went through all that shit for inconclusivity. i also had a gallbladder/abdominal ultrasound yesterday, and that said i was fine too. so now we're (meaning my dad and every friggin docotr/specialist in the hospital that gets to know my business) thinking i have Celiac's disease or bile dyskenesia or small bowel muscle spasms coused by..eating. SOMEONE FUCKING FIX ME!!!!!
i've been having stomach problems that prevent me from eating a normal amount
. everytime i eat, i get upset... the middle section under my sternum feels like it's going to explode and the middle of my chest feels like it's catching everything (like super bad heartburn status for ten seconds with every bite). i'm sick of it! i've lost so much weight it's ridiculous. i think i'm the only girl on the planet that complains about weight loss
i am now down from 119 to 103...
so i'm eating spaghetti. because it's comfort food, protein, and i can eat in small bits at a time and just reheat it.
The Boy is even starting to get concerned. well, he's been different lately, more lovey and paying attention to me and what i want/need, going out of his way to do stuff etc.
but he thinks it's BS that i'm "still sick with nothing...are you sure you're not preggo?" i make an angry face because he konws i'd love to have kids but neither of us could manage it right now. "Baby, i'm just kidding. Are you gonna be ok?" which then makes me make another funny face, because he never calls me baby and i'm still geting used to this nice-with-no-attachment thing. 
i'm watching Madagascar because my day has already kinda sucked. i needed a tow this morning at 2 and apparently my dad cancelled my car insurance (i've been paying for it! UGH :MAD: :MAD: but he didn't know so he's trying to fix it) so i had to pay 75bucks and ride with a tweaker tow guy lol. he reminded me of the guy from The New Guy mixed with the crazy eye guy from mr. deeds. hahahahaha.. i reallyyyyyyyy want ice cream!
hope you all had a lovely mini-holiday yesterday
not even the doctors.
i think i'd rather have a cold or the flu or herpes.lol.
biposy results? all negative. apparently i'm fine. i went through all that shit for inconclusivity. i also had a gallbladder/abdominal ultrasound yesterday, and that said i was fine too. so now we're (meaning my dad and every friggin docotr/specialist in the hospital that gets to know my business) thinking i have Celiac's disease or bile dyskenesia or small bowel muscle spasms coused by..eating. SOMEONE FUCKING FIX ME!!!!!
i've been having stomach problems that prevent me from eating a normal amount

so i'm eating spaghetti. because it's comfort food, protein, and i can eat in small bits at a time and just reheat it.
The Boy is even starting to get concerned. well, he's been different lately, more lovey and paying attention to me and what i want/need, going out of his way to do stuff etc.

i'm watching Madagascar because my day has already kinda sucked. i needed a tow this morning at 2 and apparently my dad cancelled my car insurance (i've been paying for it! UGH :MAD: :MAD: but he didn't know so he's trying to fix it) so i had to pay 75bucks and ride with a tweaker tow guy lol. he reminded me of the guy from The New Guy mixed with the crazy eye guy from mr. deeds. hahahahaha.. i reallyyyyyyyy want ice cream!
hope you all had a lovely mini-holiday yesterday

My three day weekend was nice. I have to fly back and forth from DC to Dallas every week, so I was able to fly back on Monday, and watch the football on Sunday. I loved watching the Cows lose. Aisha's greeting to me when I returned on Monday was a hand shake. I think I am being phased out.
i want them to fix you already...
i cant wait to see you tomorrow... love you!