so... i get to learn to drive stick shift in a BMW some time soon...maybe next week
i worked allll weekend. it was ridiculous. saturday i had to come in early because the morning waitress's boyfriend decided she shouldn't go to work and kicked out her windshield. then he left, leaving her with no transportation, phone (he took it), or babysitter for their 2 year old. not that I was on a school trip an hour away or anything. so i worked 12-8 instead of 5-10. sunday, needing to go back to where the trip was supposed to be (def need the extra credit), i worked split shift. opened 10-1245, the waitress came in and worked early (1230-6 instead of 5-10), then worked 5-10:30. aaand i had a chem test this morning that handed my ass to me sice i didn't have time to sudy :/ but oh well.. it's almost over!!!!! the final is thursday!!!!!
today i bought plane tickets to visit my bestie since fourth grade in boston for thanksgiving. god they're expensive.. but totally worth it!
aand i've been suckered (slightly by free will) into takig ballroom dancing in the fall. which makes 6 classes and an internship. Archaeology of Mexico, Food and Metabolism, Senior Seminar, Family Finance Managment, Recreation and Leisure Lifestyles, the dance class, and my Alcohol Tobacco and Other Drugs and Sexual Assault Education internship. sheeeeeeeesh.... shouldn't senior year be easy?

i worked allll weekend. it was ridiculous. saturday i had to come in early because the morning waitress's boyfriend decided she shouldn't go to work and kicked out her windshield. then he left, leaving her with no transportation, phone (he took it), or babysitter for their 2 year old. not that I was on a school trip an hour away or anything. so i worked 12-8 instead of 5-10. sunday, needing to go back to where the trip was supposed to be (def need the extra credit), i worked split shift. opened 10-1245, the waitress came in and worked early (1230-6 instead of 5-10), then worked 5-10:30. aaand i had a chem test this morning that handed my ass to me sice i didn't have time to sudy :/ but oh well.. it's almost over!!!!! the final is thursday!!!!!
today i bought plane tickets to visit my bestie since fourth grade in boston for thanksgiving. god they're expensive.. but totally worth it!
aand i've been suckered (slightly by free will) into takig ballroom dancing in the fall. which makes 6 classes and an internship. Archaeology of Mexico, Food and Metabolism, Senior Seminar, Family Finance Managment, Recreation and Leisure Lifestyles, the dance class, and my Alcohol Tobacco and Other Drugs and Sexual Assault Education internship. sheeeeeeeesh.... shouldn't senior year be easy?
This is a prefabricated message (definitely copy pasted) to say thank you for leaving a comment on my new set. I would totally write you something sweet and personal but unfortunately I have laundry to do and dogs to feed... and....
Yeah, ok. I'm just lazy
Thank You!