I'm Home!!
i will have pictures soon.... my computer's being a bitch
Mexico was absolutely fucking amazing.
my cousin from tennessee that i never see EVER came down too along with my dad and his gf.
oh boy. the two of them drove me nuts, :blackeye: but my cousin kept me sane.
she had her 22 bday while we were down there... mwahaha.
My new obsession is vanilla tequila..... OMFG so goooooood. put it in coke and you got one HELL of a drink there.
We went out a few nights during the two weeks, and had free drinks. Our favorite bar is called THE ZOO. Rafael
, our hot and charismatic host turned server bought all our drinks except two out of everytime we went. Hooray.
And i freak danced with his brother, Sammy, who was in a gorilla suit. I made all the drunk girls very, VERY jealous if i do say so myself. He liked me quite a bit. So much, in fact, that he wanted me to come by after he got off work so he could take me home. I politely declined.
I had already surplused my "Mexican Boyfriends" quota.
I also have a beautiful new tan
and a henna tattoo that is killer.
I tried to no avail to do a self-shot set on/near the beach (you could walk 30 secs to the beach from our condo). I took a few, and then people started staring at me, and it was a little tooooo uncomfortable. *sigh*
we also went on a canopy tour. you put on this god-awful harness thing (and this year we had to wear helmets and gloves
which, if you fall from over 100M isn't gonna help much....) and then follow the line of people to the zip lines. there were about 15, you have cute boy number one hook you up and send you zooming down the zip lines through the trees and over rivers etc. cute boy number two catches you and sends you off to cute boy number three and the cycle keeps going. My mexican boyfriends number 3 and 4 were Vo and Freddy, and i would have gladly taken ANY of them home. The guy that was at hte VERY end was Lalo, who had been on my tour before, and it was my pleasure to have him help me unharness etc. mmmmmm..... he's so yummy.
too bad i didn't get pictures with him.
let's see... other than beautiful sunsets, clean air, perfect ocean water, and 55-cent bus rides anywhere around town, i think that's it.
and once my computer stops being a DOUCHEBAG, i'll have visual evidence
love you guys!!
i will have pictures soon.... my computer's being a bitch

Mexico was absolutely fucking amazing.
my cousin from tennessee that i never see EVER came down too along with my dad and his gf.
oh boy. the two of them drove me nuts, :blackeye: but my cousin kept me sane.
she had her 22 bday while we were down there... mwahaha.
My new obsession is vanilla tequila..... OMFG so goooooood. put it in coke and you got one HELL of a drink there.

We went out a few nights during the two weeks, and had free drinks. Our favorite bar is called THE ZOO. Rafael

And i freak danced with his brother, Sammy, who was in a gorilla suit. I made all the drunk girls very, VERY jealous if i do say so myself. He liked me quite a bit. So much, in fact, that he wanted me to come by after he got off work so he could take me home. I politely declined.
I had already surplused my "Mexican Boyfriends" quota.
I also have a beautiful new tan

I tried to no avail to do a self-shot set on/near the beach (you could walk 30 secs to the beach from our condo). I took a few, and then people started staring at me, and it was a little tooooo uncomfortable. *sigh*
we also went on a canopy tour. you put on this god-awful harness thing (and this year we had to wear helmets and gloves

let's see... other than beautiful sunsets, clean air, perfect ocean water, and 55-cent bus rides anywhere around town, i think that's it.

love you guys!!
I hope to have some time to go swimming tomorrow after class. I need to give my A/C a break... I probably won't have time, though... Finals are approaching, I have a graduation party to go to on Saturday, work on Sunday, a concert to go to on Monday in Saratoga, and a wedding to go to in So Cal next weekend.
I can't believe they already have back-to-school stuff at the stores already! Is it that time??? Where did the summer go?!?
can't wait to see pics from your trip!