things have been brighter. thank goodness!
i'm all done with one of my classes... and finals are next week
eep! but at least school's almost over!
speaking of school, i FINALLY got accepted into the place i've been thinking about going. but now i'm not sure if i wanna go (yet, or at all). but i have to decide like, b tomorrow...
today i deposited my check from work. yay first paycheck. it was teensy but it's still money! and my lazy manager finally gave me my schedule (which is lameass... i work 5 hours max on tues, sat, and sun. that's all. meh)!! so now i am employed officially.
it was over a hundred degrees today!!
i love hot weather.
last night i went to a local music cafe place with this one guy that graduated 8th grade with me and i hadn't seen him since until monday! it was pretty sweet to catch up and stuff. and all the people that performed were really good (minus one girl... her voice bugged me mucho and she thought she was the shit :mad
and tonight i'm going back there with Nimby for hey manna!s show. i'm excited!
i hope everyone else is having a good day/week
i'm all done with one of my classes... and finals are next week

speaking of school, i FINALLY got accepted into the place i've been thinking about going. but now i'm not sure if i wanna go (yet, or at all). but i have to decide like, b tomorrow...

today i deposited my check from work. yay first paycheck. it was teensy but it's still money! and my lazy manager finally gave me my schedule (which is lameass... i work 5 hours max on tues, sat, and sun. that's all. meh)!! so now i am employed officially.
it was over a hundred degrees today!!

last night i went to a local music cafe place with this one guy that graduated 8th grade with me and i hadn't seen him since until monday! it was pretty sweet to catch up and stuff. and all the people that performed were really good (minus one girl... her voice bugged me mucho and she thought she was the shit :mad

and tonight i'm going back there with Nimby for hey manna!s show. i'm excited!
i hope everyone else is having a good day/week

but everyone knows Barq's has bite