hello every one
i am so sorry i have been off line for several weeks. my computer has been in the shop and i am using a loaner from my step dad.
i am so happy to be back on line
well my fiance and i had a bad fight today. i was hinting that we should try to start going to the gym. he has gain 50 lbs and gone from a 32 to a 38. i have gained 20 lbs but it is due to medication i am taking. any way he told me people he knows think i look pregnant. so i wrote this song.
People think i am pregnant
people think i am pregnant but i don't care;
i'll still wear my sexy underwear;
do my hair;
with a purple flair;
now my boyfriend looks like he is in the third trimester;
i don't see things gettin' very better;
he idea of exercise is the 12 ounce curl;
i don't know how much longer i am gonna be his girl
now i used to be like a model, skin and bones
then i went the weightlifting beauty, all toned
then the dr. gave me the lithium and it was all downhill
no energy for exercise, just the will.
people think i am pregnant but i don't care;
i'll still wear my sexy underwear;
do my hair;
with a purple flair;
boyfriend wants me to be the workout goddess i used to be
well very easy for him to say i wish it was easy for me
while he sits on the couch an watches the damn tv
i beg him to get off his ass but i might as well be talking to a tree
the curves of a woman's body are beautiful.
we should celebrate them foreever more.
now we just got to get those guys to understand
we cannot look like those images they think are so grand
people think i am pregnant but i don't care;
i'll still wear my sexy underwear;
do my hair;
with a purple flair;
well i hope you like the song!!!!!

i am so sorry i have been off line for several weeks. my computer has been in the shop and i am using a loaner from my step dad.

well my fiance and i had a bad fight today. i was hinting that we should try to start going to the gym. he has gain 50 lbs and gone from a 32 to a 38. i have gained 20 lbs but it is due to medication i am taking. any way he told me people he knows think i look pregnant. so i wrote this song.
People think i am pregnant
people think i am pregnant but i don't care;
i'll still wear my sexy underwear;
do my hair;
with a purple flair;
now my boyfriend looks like he is in the third trimester;
i don't see things gettin' very better;
he idea of exercise is the 12 ounce curl;
i don't know how much longer i am gonna be his girl
now i used to be like a model, skin and bones
then i went the weightlifting beauty, all toned
then the dr. gave me the lithium and it was all downhill
no energy for exercise, just the will.
people think i am pregnant but i don't care;
i'll still wear my sexy underwear;
do my hair;
with a purple flair;
boyfriend wants me to be the workout goddess i used to be
well very easy for him to say i wish it was easy for me
while he sits on the couch an watches the damn tv
i beg him to get off his ass but i might as well be talking to a tree
the curves of a woman's body are beautiful.
we should celebrate them foreever more.
now we just got to get those guys to understand
we cannot look like those images they think are so grand
people think i am pregnant but i don't care;
i'll still wear my sexy underwear;
do my hair;
with a purple flair;
well i hope you like the song!!!!!

thanks for being so sweet!!! it's fun talking to on im. we should totally hang out.
it's nice to finally see you too!
i love love love the song!!!! i totally feel you on it too...i used to be a stick ballerina...and now the meds and depression are occassionally balanced out with eating disorder but mainly i'm a binger without the purging. sigh.
and lithium is a beast. i get worried when i do work out because i dehydrate and then the level is off. and if i drink too much water then the level is off too. it's like you can't win and yet you kinda need it. sigh.
hope to hear from you again on im! i'll try to be on more often. but yeah, let's hang out. i've got lots of free nights now...
good luch with the fiance. hope whatever happens it's good for you