So that damn day is creeping up on us again.....the dooms day as I like to remember it as....V-day.
Now I don't want to sound like a negative nelly, but I really don't like this day. I have yet to experience I good v-day. And it isn't like I haven't been with someone for them, I mean for the last 5 years I've been with someone on this day....and every year I just end up getting a lecture on what I waste of time and money it really is.
Maybe that is why I have such negative feeling towards it. After being told over and over again that it is a waste of a day, I have conviniced myself it is.
Now at work they want everyone to kind of celebrate the day and bring in sweets and goodies and stuff and gifts that they are going to do draws for. But to be honest, I don't want to be any part of it. I don't even want to be there that day. I mean it isn't like when you are a kid and your parents buy you tons of candies and chocolated and stuffed animals, and then at school everyone gives out little valentines. Those were good days, but now it seems that it is just a big miserable waste of time. Booooo! *LMFAO*
Sorry to all of you who do enjoy the day. i am not trying to bring you down I just had to get those feelings off of my chest.....but now I feel better.
I think I shall wear black or blue that day.....and eat sour things.

Now I don't want to sound like a negative nelly, but I really don't like this day. I have yet to experience I good v-day. And it isn't like I haven't been with someone for them, I mean for the last 5 years I've been with someone on this day....and every year I just end up getting a lecture on what I waste of time and money it really is.

Now at work they want everyone to kind of celebrate the day and bring in sweets and goodies and stuff and gifts that they are going to do draws for. But to be honest, I don't want to be any part of it. I don't even want to be there that day. I mean it isn't like when you are a kid and your parents buy you tons of candies and chocolated and stuffed animals, and then at school everyone gives out little valentines. Those were good days, but now it seems that it is just a big miserable waste of time. Booooo! *LMFAO*
Sorry to all of you who do enjoy the day. i am not trying to bring you down I just had to get those feelings off of my chest.....but now I feel better.

I think I shall wear black or blue that day.....and eat sour things.

Thanks....but my hair is red now....and the tat still needs to be colored in. But thank you.
Come back and see it when it is will be even HOTTER!

Will definitely check back in then. And the red hair is hot too...