I can't really support self-obsessions.
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Monday Apr 24, 2006
Fake abortion clinics suck! plannedparenthood.com for more info. -
Tuesday Jan 10, 2006
I can't really support self-obsessions. -
Sunday Nov 13, 2005
My rat is sick. And my bf and I just broke up and had a horrible fig… -
Wednesday Sep 21, 2005
My new cage for my rats came today. We, somehow, assembled it and it… -
Tuesday Sep 13, 2005
Poker rocked. I kicked some ass...well...not really, but I honestly … -
Sunday Sep 11, 2005
News update: I have a second job and I don't like it much so far. I… -
Thursday Sep 08, 2005
I've been dating this guy for like 3 and a half months. He loves me … -
Monday Sep 05, 2005
So, I just finished my weekly work-a-thon and now it is time to do ab… -
Thursday Sep 01, 2005
Questionable Content is definently my second love. And the Aerodynam… -
Monday Aug 29, 2005
Playing around on the internet and I start to question why I ever rej…
a place like this is a sort of conversation. but it's an odd form of conversation, because in order for it to really be interesting, both people have to be talking at the same time. i mean that it only works if people are constantly updating their journals so that people have new material to read.also, these conversations really seem to be a way for "odd" people to find other "odd" people to carry on their odd conversations, and for that reason, they seem self-obsessed...it's not so much that people are self-obsessed, as i think we are obsessed with making acquaintances...
but i suppose since we ultimately are seeking to make acquaintances with people who are similar to ourselves, it might be self-obsession after all...
what's Goodburger about?