Fake abortion clinics suck!
plannedparenthood.com for more info.
I can't really support self-obsessions.
i don't know what that means?
i don't really know much about the cool kids in high school. but i want to comment on the self-obsession part.

a place like this is a sort of conversation. but it's an odd form of conversation, because in order for it to really be interesting, both people have to be talking at the same time. i mean that it only works if people are constantly updating their journals so that people have new material to read.also, these conversations really seem to be a way for "odd" people to find other "odd" people to carry on their odd conversations, and for that reason, they seem self-obsessed...it's not so much that people are self-obsessed, as i think we are obsessed with making acquaintances...

but i suppose since we ultimately are seeking to make acquaintances with people who are similar to ourselves, it might be self-obsession after all...

what's Goodburger about?
My rat is sick. And my bf and I just broke up and had a horrible fight, so we can't even be friends... I'm sad and tired.

hope things start looking up for you. smile
My new cage for my rats came today. We, somehow, assembled it and it's now my ratties new home. biggrin Out of excitement I have to describe it: it's 5 feet tall, three feel wide, entirely metal, (so they can't chew through it) and on wheels. (so they can travel around the apartment) It's technically a parrot cage, but the bars are close enough so they...
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so like, can they actually steer and move it? b/c that would be awesome...like an exploration vehicle for your rats, as though your house were a planet in outer space tongue
Poker rocked. I kicked some ass...well...not really, but I honestly had never played before and I was chip leader for awhile. So, yeah, I rock.
Still not a big fan of my second job, but so goes life. Really want to do some white. I hate being tired. Goodnight.

ps Had the best sex ever tonight, for those of you interested in my sex life wink
News update:
I have a second job and I don't like it much so far. I do get discounted food though, which is a nice. Now I have two restaurants to choose from when eating. (I serve at Applebee's and just started working in a local deli)
Now I am off to find an outfit to go play poker in. first time. and i don't...
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I've been dating this guy for like 3 and a half months. He loves me and adores me and I think he's wonderful and all that fun stuff. BUT I'm starting to hit that phase in the relationship when I'm realizing I really don't want to be in a relationship. The problem is that I don't want to break up with him because I really...
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So, I just finished my weekly work-a-thon and now it is time to do absolutely nothing for three days. I love my work schedule!
Still, though, I'm wondering if maybe I should get an additional job because a paycheck would be nice.
btw, i meant to welcome you back smile

Questionable Content is definently my second love. And the Aerodynamically Curvaceous t-shirt is definently what I want. Find it.
Playing around on the internet and I start to question why I ever rejoined this thing. A group of pretentious bitches and leering assholes.
I think I want a new job...but maybe I just had a bad weekend. In any case I'm tired...but I have to write a short story that's not so short smile
(sorry everythings been bitchy recently)
here's how i felt when getting off work: i didn't know whether I felt like puking or eating. it's been a rough day.
this is america, the land of plenty...DO EM BOTH!!!!