I'm back, in a relative since. Back in the States and back on SG, although if I don't get a job soon, I might need to sacrifice my membership for awhile
I've decided to move back to Missouri instead of staying in North Carolina. Really, though, I just want stability in my life. I feel like I'm never going to have a place to call home. Too much is just up in the air...job, appartment, college, family...Nothing is stable.

I've decided to move back to Missouri instead of staying in North Carolina. Really, though, I just want stability in my life. I feel like I'm never going to have a place to call home. Too much is just up in the air...job, appartment, college, family...Nothing is stable.
i'm moving to illinois in a few months. i'm really excited to leave. not that germany isn't wonderful, but i need something other than UMUC... it's breaking my little heart
living in the ktown area isn't as bad as the whole baumholder situtaion. i can see why you were jonesing to leave.
have fun unpacking, and good luck with the job thing.