UGH! I hate it here! Hate it hate it hate it! They just had a baby shower for every fucking pregnant woman in the whole area during lunchtime...nice idea, in reality a shitstorm. Three hundred hungry pregnant women all in the convention center where the restaurant I work at happens to be. They had NO foresight in planning this, so a facility that comfortably serves...
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I'm giddy...We're going to Euro Disney for the weekend. I really liked it as a kid, but then I'm easily amused and not much has changed.

Originally we were going to go to Normandy, which would have been amazing, but that's about an 8 hour drive. Disney is only about 4 hours and if it does end up being a wash out Paris is only...
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Haven't logged on in a week or so. I was very ill. Finally went to the hospital last Friday and needed an IV. They did blood work too, but knowing the military health clinics, they'll never get back to me so I can find out what the hell was wrong. I lost like 7 pounds in one week, and although my appetite hasn't returned I...
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Thank you, that was very beautiflully put.
hmm, havent all the good games always been kind of expensive? I mean, sure if you wait awhile the price might drop but I recall even paying fifty dollars for Nontendo(8bit) games way back when.
As a rule I don't like video games. I suck at them and find them very frustrating...There are exceptions to the rule such as mario cart and donkey kong. Having said that I really like burnout 3. I'm good at it. I can crash into shit with the best of them, but I spent half an hour on one event today and finally gave up....
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I have taught myself. When I first started it I was awful at it but I am getting better. I actually really love doing it it seems to calm me.

I agree I like the old nintendo games, tetras I could play for hours, but these new games halo and such I just get bored before I figure them out.
Yesterday and today were unseasonably warm. I guess someone was listening...I just don't know who. The snow is melting, and hopefully this wil be the last of it, although that's doubtful.

I got a spider bite on my neck while I was sleeping this weekend. Jeff wanted to fuck with it, but I wouldn't have it. It's already healing...hardly visible now.

I learned how to...
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hi blush
Why is it still snowing? I'm desperate for something green. Anything.
me too, I want a picnic!
it snowed all day here too frown
Hi everyone! Not much new...My class FINALLY ended. I have to wait for my research paper to be graded and then I'll know my average. I gave up on maintaining my 4.0. Don't care that much anymore so long as my grades are decent.

Found a good free downloading site for Mp3s, video, etc. I've been able to find most of the obscure shit I...
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Movers are here taking the household goods. They're coming again in a month to take the rest of our shit, then off to NC on May 11. The cats really freaked out this morning. Dad tried to corner Jet and ended up with a hole in his hand. They don't like him anyway, so I don't know why he didn't just wait for me to...
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Today was not happy. I woke up about 6 AM so cold. The heater ran out of gas in the night, so the whole house was freezing. I took Jeff to work at 8 and came back for the coldest shower of my life before going to work myself. I really didn't want to shower like that but I needed to wash my greasy hair....
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AAhhh. So nice to be home alone. Listening to free music on iTunes and Launchcast. It's not great, but it's free, so who cares.
Must work on school stuff. I can't wait for this stupid online class to be over with. The final paper I have to write is a research paper and the topic I chose is very interesting, but too broad I think....
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So I'm really excited about moving. I love Germany. However Baumholder sucks, and I'm going to go on a crazy shooting spree if I have to stay here much longer.

I'm looking forward to:
Movie theatres were I have 18 choices and they're all in English.
Good Chinese food. Not this grade f chicken bullshit.
24 hour WalMart.
Big Fucking-God-Bless-America Malls.
Book stores. Big-assed two...
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how long have you been over there? to which part of this bush-loving country are you moving? i think i could spend the next 4 years in germany easily.
i love it here... but i'm totally excited to be leaving too. i'm starting the countdown, and i'm getting happier and happier as the days fly by. this is just not the time for me to be here... yay for so many things... but i'll miss kino popcorn, fresh brotchen, and the german convos the most.... there are too many things to miss, but bookstores are a huge bonus for leaving.

you've been down to ktown (Kaiserslautern) right?