Had a great loooong lunch with a friend today. Talked about some things that I hadn't talked to anyone about before. Feels like it did me some good.
In celebration of the beginning of filming of Clerks 2: The Passion Of The Clerks, and the relatively soon released Episode 3, here's an old file:
5 more months til Batman Begins. Still looks bad ass. Lots of influence from Frank Miller's Batman stories.
3 more months til Sin City. As good of a job as Hellboy did with sticking with the comic in the visual ways (color use, etc.) the trailers for Sin City actually make it look like they almost literally adapted the book straight to film. Been reading my old issues again.
2 more months til the Ring 2. Wonder if they are going to do the whole trilogy.
And July 4th the Fantastic Four will finally hit theaters. I remember being in high school and seeing a few flyers for the "original" movie that never quite made it. There was supposed to be a Captain America one too back then. Maybe that wonderful Punisher movie they made with Dolph in it was what ruined it all. Jessica Alba is in this as the Invisible Girl, and she's also in Sin City. Guess she and Halle Berry have decided that comic book movies are the way to go.
They need to make the next XMen movie.
All I have to do now is actually get to a theater every now and then. Time to restart my netflix account.
In celebration of the beginning of filming of Clerks 2: The Passion Of The Clerks, and the relatively soon released Episode 3, here's an old file:
5 more months til Batman Begins. Still looks bad ass. Lots of influence from Frank Miller's Batman stories.
3 more months til Sin City. As good of a job as Hellboy did with sticking with the comic in the visual ways (color use, etc.) the trailers for Sin City actually make it look like they almost literally adapted the book straight to film. Been reading my old issues again.
2 more months til the Ring 2. Wonder if they are going to do the whole trilogy.
And July 4th the Fantastic Four will finally hit theaters. I remember being in high school and seeing a few flyers for the "original" movie that never quite made it. There was supposed to be a Captain America one too back then. Maybe that wonderful Punisher movie they made with Dolph in it was what ruined it all. Jessica Alba is in this as the Invisible Girl, and she's also in Sin City. Guess she and Halle Berry have decided that comic book movies are the way to go.
They need to make the next XMen movie.
All I have to do now is actually get to a theater every now and then. Time to restart my netflix account.