I am sure you've all seen these by now but I have to get rid of that old entry...
We had a blast in SF and I am going back soon.
I loved meeting Taye, Royal, Loreli, Bob, Jaylin, and the beautiful Annika.
There's supposed to be video going up soon... I shudder to think...
Also, you all should know that I am performing in the Moisture Festival next month with my darlings, the Aerialistas. We are premiering new work this year in the "Burlesque" portion of the festival. It's worth it. Check the schedule and come see us at A.C.T Theatre.
I am also performing soon at the Seatle Erotic Art Festival. I'll drop more details as they happen.
Um... what else? The new Neko Case is kinda awesome.
And I would like a trip to somewhere tropical, if anyone could arrange that. Thanks.

We had a blast in SF and I am going back soon.
I loved meeting Taye, Royal, Loreli, Bob, Jaylin, and the beautiful Annika.
There's supposed to be video going up soon... I shudder to think...
Also, you all should know that I am performing in the Moisture Festival next month with my darlings, the Aerialistas. We are premiering new work this year in the "Burlesque" portion of the festival. It's worth it. Check the schedule and come see us at A.C.T Theatre.
I am also performing soon at the Seatle Erotic Art Festival. I'll drop more details as they happen.
Um... what else? The new Neko Case is kinda awesome.
And I would like a trip to somewhere tropical, if anyone could arrange that. Thanks.
How did the Seatle Erotic Art Festival go? I hope to see pictures of your pole work.
Goodness gracious Annika, grope much?