I'm heading back to Seattle tomorrow and I just have to say that I have had a wonderful time in L.A. these past 2 weeks. Thank you to everyone who came out to Club Suicide, gave me hugs, bought me a beer, let us crash and... made me remember why I loved living here.
I spent time at the beach, saw wonderful old friends, and I feel amazing and rejuvenated.
One thing I did was to meet with my yoga teacher-- the one who certified me-- to get all the paperwork in order so that I can start training teachers myself. I am now officially a very happy partner in the Cloud Nine Yoga Co-op, and the first rep in the Pacific Northwest, representing heaven on earth in Seattle and all of King County starting... right now.
I can't tell you how happy I am to be doing this. I have been feeling lately like I have been losing my focus and inspiration to teach yoga. I have felt more and more quietly overwhelmed over the last year with the depth and resonance of my practice as I explore more and more the teachings of the Buddha and see that in sharp contrast to the business of yoga... and of spirituality. I kept hearing the Buddha's words in my head when he said, "This cannot be taught!" But I do know that of course that later he did teach, could teach...
To reconnect with my Cloud Nine Yoga mentors and family, and to make this commitment to train individuals as teachers was perfect, centering, and came not a moment too soon.
So it goes.
I didn't mention it before, but I did use the symbolic beginning of the year at the first of this month to make a New Year's Rez or two, and one of them was to re-focus on yoga and my calling to practice and teach, and to discover my real purpose and intention that I feel is guiding me on the path. And there I have it! Suddenly, I have this whole machine, this whole network of support that is carrying me along. Those of you who know me may may have heard me proclaim once or twice in class that "The self is the guru!"-- meaning that the answer is within. Don't ask the teacher. Ask yourself. Training teachers, for me, is a way to bring out the little gem of a guru in each person. I love it. It feels right.
My other resolution, by the by, was no more coffee cups. Since I moved to Seattle, I've become a coffee drinker for the first time in my life. I suddenly realized how many paper cups I was using. Yeesh! So no more of that. I mean hell, I am a yoga teacher. I have to walk to walk, do I not?
I also reconnected with my old friend Lainie, who I have known for *mumble mumble* years, who some of you may know as the principal genius behind jungle (8), if you're into the "branding and marketing" thing. She has amazingly and graciously offered her services to assist me in producing a yoga video series I have had kicking around in my head for about two years now. I will, of course, fill you in as things progress over the next six months. Eek! That does NOT seem like very long! I have to keep it quiet right now, but the vids are going to freaking rule. You are going to love them. Just wait.
In the meantime, the Moisture Festival is coming right-the-fuck up, and the Aerialistas are all over it with new work and new blood in the mix. Our motto is about to be "Sexier by the Dozen!" as the understudies prepare to step into the spotlight above Hale's Palladium for their debut. You will not, trust me, NOT, want to miss it. Check the schedule on the Moist Fest site for our shows.
But if you do miss us, you can also catch us in April at Key Arena, because we'll be doing the halftime show for the Rat City Roller Girls. I am psyched for that, too. You betcha.
What else? Oh YES!
Don't ask questions, just be there.
Okay, okay.
I'll leave you with the requisite pics of Oren and me doing something hot and/or ridiculous.
I spent time at the beach, saw wonderful old friends, and I feel amazing and rejuvenated.
One thing I did was to meet with my yoga teacher-- the one who certified me-- to get all the paperwork in order so that I can start training teachers myself. I am now officially a very happy partner in the Cloud Nine Yoga Co-op, and the first rep in the Pacific Northwest, representing heaven on earth in Seattle and all of King County starting... right now.
I can't tell you how happy I am to be doing this. I have been feeling lately like I have been losing my focus and inspiration to teach yoga. I have felt more and more quietly overwhelmed over the last year with the depth and resonance of my practice as I explore more and more the teachings of the Buddha and see that in sharp contrast to the business of yoga... and of spirituality. I kept hearing the Buddha's words in my head when he said, "This cannot be taught!" But I do know that of course that later he did teach, could teach...
To reconnect with my Cloud Nine Yoga mentors and family, and to make this commitment to train individuals as teachers was perfect, centering, and came not a moment too soon.
So it goes.
I didn't mention it before, but I did use the symbolic beginning of the year at the first of this month to make a New Year's Rez or two, and one of them was to re-focus on yoga and my calling to practice and teach, and to discover my real purpose and intention that I feel is guiding me on the path. And there I have it! Suddenly, I have this whole machine, this whole network of support that is carrying me along. Those of you who know me may may have heard me proclaim once or twice in class that "The self is the guru!"-- meaning that the answer is within. Don't ask the teacher. Ask yourself. Training teachers, for me, is a way to bring out the little gem of a guru in each person. I love it. It feels right.
My other resolution, by the by, was no more coffee cups. Since I moved to Seattle, I've become a coffee drinker for the first time in my life. I suddenly realized how many paper cups I was using. Yeesh! So no more of that. I mean hell, I am a yoga teacher. I have to walk to walk, do I not?
I also reconnected with my old friend Lainie, who I have known for *mumble mumble* years, who some of you may know as the principal genius behind jungle (8), if you're into the "branding and marketing" thing. She has amazingly and graciously offered her services to assist me in producing a yoga video series I have had kicking around in my head for about two years now. I will, of course, fill you in as things progress over the next six months. Eek! That does NOT seem like very long! I have to keep it quiet right now, but the vids are going to freaking rule. You are going to love them. Just wait.
In the meantime, the Moisture Festival is coming right-the-fuck up, and the Aerialistas are all over it with new work and new blood in the mix. Our motto is about to be "Sexier by the Dozen!" as the understudies prepare to step into the spotlight above Hale's Palladium for their debut. You will not, trust me, NOT, want to miss it. Check the schedule on the Moist Fest site for our shows.
But if you do miss us, you can also catch us in April at Key Arena, because we'll be doing the halftime show for the Rat City Roller Girls. I am psyched for that, too. You betcha.
What else? Oh YES!

Don't ask questions, just be there.
Okay, okay.
I'll leave you with the requisite pics of Oren and me doing something hot and/or ridiculous.
Does that mean that i get to start my path to being certified in cloud nine?
I wish i was still up there to come see you fly more often.