First off, thank you everyone for all of the sweet things you said about the new set. It was shot 10 weeks post partum, and I'm glad I was able to document myself with curves. They have since gone.

Now...What has happened?
We got our new 450 gallon aquarium. It took four boys and two hours (thank you doctashock and allan_suicide) to get it into the freight elevator, over the catwalk, and down the stairs. But it's here now. And it's a big mutherfucker:

When the stand is complete and the whole thing's set up, I get to turn our 150 gal. into a carnivorous tank and get one of these:

That is a black DogFace Puffer fish, and I think they are the cutest thing ever. (Aside from the baby.)
Speaking of... I have to include the requisite baby pics. Don't worry, I have some good ones:
Proof that dinner with toothpickmoe and incorrigible can turn anyone into a boozehound.

First swimming lesson! (Check out the way skeptical expression.)
Aspen's going away party *sniff*
Oh! And we had a fantastic opening at the Artwalk. Thanks to everyone who showed up, especially Sawa; it was so lovely to see you!
Allan took some awesome pics of me for the studio and the website. Here are my faves:
The website is *this close* to being finished. I will for sure let you know when it is up.
I had a fun time with James the other night dancing onstage with her old man's band. So watch for us on VH1. I tried to get a pic of Hal "surfing" his effects pedals, but it was too dark. So cute, though.
Oh yes! And I went back to work dancing one night a week. It is so much fun when it's not your sole source of income. It gives me an excuse to be social and have a little fun. I am not the kind of mommy that can just stay home and talk to her baby all the time. I figured that one out pretty early on. It's good to know these things about oneself.
So if you don't know, then ask somebody-- and come out and visit me one of these nights; because I sure would love to see you. We'll have an official SGLA event sometime very soon.
Speaking of dancing, I got a pole for Mother's Day!
It is a custom built rig, since the lowest point on our ceilings is 12 feet, and none of the ones they sell online would work. It gave corriander a good excuse to buy a new metal lathe, which gets delivered tomorrow, and then he'll machine the parts to put it up. It's going to attach to the ceilling and be able to swing up out of the way. Then we just need a little welding help and--Viola! Who wants pole dancing lessons?
I also got a new washing machine. It's snazzy. Check it out:
So you can do your laundry while we get our "pole" on.
And! I almost forgot! I am going back to teaching at Golden Bridge in Hollywood. I will be teaching a Hatha Flow class on Wednesday nights at 7:30 starting June 6. Come take a class and see what all the hoopla is about.
Okay, that's enough!
Peace out.
your son is gorgeous...i'm so jealous!
great pix, too.