2011 was a good year in the end, I suppose.
It was lonely.... And I questioned myself a lot.
Sickness, new careers, marriage, lack of time for extracurriculars..
Would it all change me?
I don't think it has.
But it has definitely changed relationships with people I miss dearly.
Since I've become pretty detached from this site, I don't expect many to read this.
But it does help me get it all straight in my mind.
Click on the spoilers, yo.
The year started out with nursing school taking up all my time. And I mean all of it.
This was a vocational school,... a fail and you are out kind of deal. They keep your money, they keep your credits... you start over. I gave up a rather exciting (yet per diem) photojournalism job for all this. So failing was not an option. I was either going to be good at it or think up a new plan to pay the mortgage and finance my photography.
I did make some new friends in school...
And then I graduated 6th in my class of just under 200. It's not valedictorian or anything but I was proud of myself. And I got to wear this bitchin' hat at graduation.
Anyway. Then I got a job and boring stuff like that.
For the most part I struggled with photographic ideas. It's been a while since I shot anything I truly liked. But I do have some favorites of the year.
I spent some time in Brooklyn with tmorin, nodawn and his lovely wife..
On that note, lets stop for some Boobs...
Late in the summer I was really sick. Bored and frustrated I played around in the house.
My legs got super swollen, so I had to keep them elevated.
This year I also shot my first real deal soup-to-nuts wedding.
It was way out of my comfort zone but think I did well.
Then I had my own wedding.
A fun preggo shoot.
And babies.
I've spent a bunch of time in my darkroom.
I was painted and shown off to the world... Or at least library patrons.
I got to see some rock n' roll
I shot a band's album work.. But it's not out yet.
Lastly some random snapshots...
When you put it all together I'm a pretty lucky gal!