Not going to comment on why I am a sad panda, just am. Today is Friday, that is a good thing.
Dunno what I'm gonna do this weekend. Plan was to go to the LP party in Minneapolis, but it doesn't look like that's gonna happen. So I'll sit around, sleep, eat, maybe fuck...ya know, the usual.
My friend has come back from working in Bismarck! Yay, that will make for hopefully not as boring times. He's been gone for like 2 months...
So now apparently I'm just plain stupid. Got my door hinges replaced yesterday, and believe me, I have spent lots of time looking at that fucking door and those fucking hinges. So did my father, so did my boyfriend, so did my uncle mechanic.
Well, I get the car back, and the inner fender liner is missing. I can see straight to the ground through the crack between the door and the car. I say it wasn't that way before, b/c I fucking would have noticed being able to see all the way to the ground and the tire when I know I'm not supposed to.
They are telling me it wasn't there. I am saying it was. So now they are trying to get me to buy a new one, saying I just "didn't notice before" or "it just fell off when I was driving". WTF! So you are telling me I was driving and a piece of my car that goes from my door, over my tire, to the front of my car, just fell off and I didn't hear it, didn't run over it..nothing? Apparently I'm fucking stupid and amongst all the time I spent looking at my fucked up hinges, never noticed a HUGE CHUNK of my car missing before.
Fuck them, fuck you, fuck the world because I'm sick of ppl fucking me over, making me feel dumb, and annoying the shit outta me.

Dunno what I'm gonna do this weekend. Plan was to go to the LP party in Minneapolis, but it doesn't look like that's gonna happen. So I'll sit around, sleep, eat, maybe fuck...ya know, the usual.
My friend has come back from working in Bismarck! Yay, that will make for hopefully not as boring times. He's been gone for like 2 months...
So now apparently I'm just plain stupid. Got my door hinges replaced yesterday, and believe me, I have spent lots of time looking at that fucking door and those fucking hinges. So did my father, so did my boyfriend, so did my uncle mechanic.
Well, I get the car back, and the inner fender liner is missing. I can see straight to the ground through the crack between the door and the car. I say it wasn't that way before, b/c I fucking would have noticed being able to see all the way to the ground and the tire when I know I'm not supposed to.
They are telling me it wasn't there. I am saying it was. So now they are trying to get me to buy a new one, saying I just "didn't notice before" or "it just fell off when I was driving". WTF! So you are telling me I was driving and a piece of my car that goes from my door, over my tire, to the front of my car, just fell off and I didn't hear it, didn't run over it..nothing? Apparently I'm fucking stupid and amongst all the time I spent looking at my fucked up hinges, never noticed a HUGE CHUNK of my car missing before.
Fuck them, fuck you, fuck the world because I'm sick of ppl fucking me over, making me feel dumb, and annoying the shit outta me.
Mechanics are tricky bastards though, so be carefull....