Soooo....Our two girl set was rejected cuz I guess you are not allowed to have two girl sets for your first one. There wasn't anything that stated this, but I guess this is the case anyway. I assume this is the only reason b/c Missy stated that was the only reason it was rejected. I am sad because I really thought it was a flipping hot set...but whatever.
Nothing new is happening in my life...Life really flipping sucks if you really want to know my opinion. Maybe I'm just in a bad mood right now...who knows.
Nothing new is happening in my life...Life really flipping sucks if you really want to know my opinion. Maybe I'm just in a bad mood right now...who knows.
Sorry babe that sucks, the next set you send in is the one missy will like. Third times the charm!, Right? Well if I was there right now I would give you a big huge and kiss and make everything better.

Hope the mood gets better. And for what it's worth, it appears that 2 girl sets must be between 2 girls who are already SGs. That makes the most sense.