I am officially a stay at home mommy for the time being. While I'm a little scared of going stir-crazy, I'm so excited to have the chance to spend the summer with my husband and baby. It's going to be fucking great. I still get to keep looking for a job, b/c we can't do this for long. But for the time being, I am...
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I keep hoping if I leave enough comments, you'll get more emails saying you can get a year for $29 and you'll join again, hehe. Miss you, love!
HI how are you
So yeah, my tits don't look anything like they do in my profile pic. Amazing the things having a baby change. haha.
I feel fucking old lately. I feel like my youth is gone already and yet I have so much more of my life to live. Why are things like that? Before 18 you aren't old enough to have any fun. Then there is...
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I feel fucking old lately. I feel like my youth is gone already and yet I have so much more of my life to live. Why are things like that? Before 18 you aren't old enough to have any fun. Then there is...
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hi i am typing with one hand cause my wrist funkin hurts so i don't care if words are not being typed right. so after sliting my wrist and was very luky i missed any important vains i have been thinking about life and everything. and god damn it skin is way to easy to cut. i miss you. i am goin to continue this tomorow i need sleep.
ok i am going to continue with my rant, yeah life its crazy. i remember when i would have welcomed a slit wrist and happily watch it bleed. its so weird when i slit my wrist all i could think of was i cant die i got to much shit to do. i have only lived a quarter of my life ( i plan on dieing when i am 100 so i can see flying cars). i also have been thinking god ( or what ever higher being you believe or don't believe in insert here) we could die tomorrow if this is the case then i never want to be sad again. If my job is making me sad and it dose not get better i can always get a new one there is no point in suffering. or any thing else make me sad i am going to try my best to change it. and well when i was in that emergency room i kept thinking of you. i am going to try so much harder to stay in contact with you i do understand u are busy so i understand if you don't respond but i am going to try saying hi as much as i can to you and i am busy too so if i don't say hi as much as i like just remember i am thinking of you often. any ways each day i get weirder with my near death experience. i like talking to you one here. i feel like u have to sugar coat everything on facebook because 500 people you know could read it. well sweety, sleep well their are fairy's above your head.
Ugh, My bday went alright at first and then horribly towards the end.
I worked and when I got home Jason had lit candles and made the kitchen look all pretty, poured me some wine and made me a little snack b/c we were waiting to eat my bday supper with my parents. It was uber sweet of him. Then we went and bottled our...
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I worked and when I got home Jason had lit candles and made the kitchen look all pretty, poured me some wine and made me a little snack b/c we were waiting to eat my bday supper with my parents. It was uber sweet of him. Then we went and bottled our...
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Well....happy very late birthday to you
Im so sorry we havent chatted much lately.....how are you doing?

Im so sorry we havent chatted much lately.....how are you doing?
how come your pics don't work? 

I'm leaving this damn place, so anyone that wants to know anything about me, ask in the next week or so. Toodles.
will be a shame to see you leave. but al the best and Happy Birthday 

happy birthday
This weekend was great. I never knew Jason could be so much fun! On Friday we went out to the bar for a while and then decided to go to a party. That was alright except for drunken me flipped out and was bawling for the whole end part of the night. Mike (new roomie) fell down the stairs which was fricken hilarious.
Saturday night...
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Saturday night...
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Happy Halloween!

yes please leave lots of updates on the open relationship consept...its intreaguing
I love my boyfriend so much it's just fucking crazy.
Today is Thursday....PAYDAY! YES! Not much to say, nothing has been going on really. Work, work, work. Tell me something happy.
Today is Thursday....PAYDAY! YES! Not much to say, nothing has been going on really. Work, work, work. Tell me something happy.
Did he do something nice?
I get paid on thursdays too

I get paid on thursdays too

Just wanted to wish you a wonderful weekend.

It's Friday!!!! Yes! Hug someone tight, give someone a kiss or tell someone you love them today just for me, k?
P.S. I'm sorry I'm not on here much anymore. Don't take it personally. I update every once-in-a-while, but other than that haven't been spending loads of time on the internet. Hope all is well!
P.S. I'm sorry I'm not on here much anymore. Don't take it personally. I update every once-in-a-while, but other than that haven't been spending loads of time on the internet. Hope all is well!
thanks for the link. Much appreciated.
Quite the disturbing article you sent me today. Glad you did tho.
I wish I was a girly girl. One of those dainty little things that walk around in pink. The sweet girl-next-door type. But, alas, I am not.
I wish I had friends. Every good friend I get decides to move away. Hmmm...maybe they can't figure out any other way to get rid of me.
I wish I wasn't so poor. I'm honestly barely able to...
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I wish I had friends. Every good friend I get decides to move away. Hmmm...maybe they can't figure out any other way to get rid of me.
I wish I wasn't so poor. I'm honestly barely able to...
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Its hard when life weighs down on you but dont be sad.
Sweet girl next door girly girl types are boring and unatractive.
They are silly girls and a man wants a woman
You have friends. Its a bugger they dont live next door but they care and thats what matters.
I wish I wasnt poor too. Being poor is rubbish.
Most people have no money at one stage of their lives. Money shall come.
Give your boy a slap. If he's showing you no affection he's being a bloody fool.
You are not fat. Lose some weight if it will make you feel better but please dont loose your booty or end up looking like you've been liberated from a concentration camp. Thats really not attractive
Everybody whines, it helps us sort ourselves out because if somethings worth whining about its worth changing.
Depression can be horrible but remember that you get out of life what you put in. Live life to the full and your depression will disapear.
(I wake up wanting to be dead but not having enough energy to just fucking get it over with)
Dont talk silly or you'll get a slap as well
Sweet girl next door girly girl types are boring and unatractive.
They are silly girls and a man wants a woman
You have friends. Its a bugger they dont live next door but they care and thats what matters.
I wish I wasnt poor too. Being poor is rubbish.
Most people have no money at one stage of their lives. Money shall come.
Give your boy a slap. If he's showing you no affection he's being a bloody fool.
You are not fat. Lose some weight if it will make you feel better but please dont loose your booty or end up looking like you've been liberated from a concentration camp. Thats really not attractive

Everybody whines, it helps us sort ourselves out because if somethings worth whining about its worth changing.
Depression can be horrible but remember that you get out of life what you put in. Live life to the full and your depression will disapear.
(I wake up wanting to be dead but not having enough energy to just fucking get it over with)
Dont talk silly or you'll get a slap as well

I don't know if you'll see this comment, cause it's on an old post. But I've said it before and I'll say it again. You're here because you know that we are here for you. You should be happy that you have this wonderful thing called the internet which helps you keep in touch with those who care for you, even if they are far away.
You know you're gorgeous, I don't even have to go into that. One look at your picture sets will tell anyone that.
Being a member of SG you should be glad you're not the girly girl type. That's what everyone here has in common! We love hot bad ass chicks who are gorgeous on their own and don't need designer clothes to make them look good. Well, they don't need clothes at all to look good
We're here for you, I'm here for you. If you ever wanna chat, just let me know.
You rock!
You know you're gorgeous, I don't even have to go into that. One look at your picture sets will tell anyone that.
Being a member of SG you should be glad you're not the girly girl type. That's what everyone here has in common! We love hot bad ass chicks who are gorgeous on their own and don't need designer clothes to make them look good. Well, they don't need clothes at all to look good

We're here for you, I'm here for you. If you ever wanna chat, just let me know.
You rock!

Nothing really new to say. I'm a dumb ass, end of story. I can't figure out what I want. Life in general makes me crabby. What can I say? It's a personal flaw.
Your no dumbass.....its natural for someone to have a hard making a choice
Hope to talk to you again sometime soon

Hope to talk to you again sometime soon
You're no dumbass. It takes a hell of a long time for people to work out what they want to do. Ive known what I want to do for years but ive been too scared and lazy to do it. Thats being a dumbass.

hey kids...if I happen to leave this place, come see me here: Liz's Myspace
I can honestly say I am disappointed in this place. Makes me sad to hear about it, makes me sad to not talk about it.
Makes me happy that the archived girls are moving on in life.
This weekend is boring. Not much going on, I'm sittin' here sippin' on my...
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I can honestly say I am disappointed in this place. Makes me sad to hear about it, makes me sad to not talk about it.
Makes me happy that the archived girls are moving on in life.
This weekend is boring. Not much going on, I'm sittin' here sippin' on my...
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Hey, l_m- I somehow forgot to post in here (I wasn't around much on the weekend).
YOU ARE GREAT and would be sad to see you go, but I know what you mean about SG being not so as good... but I'm staying around for my friends at leat a bit longer.
YOU ARE GREAT and would be sad to see you go, but I know what you mean about SG being not so as good... but I'm staying around for my friends at leat a bit longer.
I'll miss you, though I hardly knew you.