This photo started an obsession for me - an obsession with Marina Abramovic's The Artist Is Present. Not a day has gone by in the past month that I haven't checked the flickr photos or googled Marina Abramovic's name.

I wish I could explain why I can stare at these photos forever and never get bored. I've looked at this set probably 50 times already. I keep seeing new things, seeing patterns in people's visits, seeing repeat visitors I hadn't even noticed before. I don't know if I would have cared at all about this exhibition if it weren't for these photos. Now I'm starting to find sitters' blogs and getting sucked into their stories.
Cool graphical analysis of the duration of sitters: http://www.moma.org/explore/inside_out/2010/06/11/analyzing-abramovic
Its kind of frustrating too in that its like reading a really great book that either no one else has read or everyone thinks is terrible.

so yeah, i moved to LA to get work in the entertainment business. i did mostly grunt work as a PA in offices and on set, but also got to contribute to a lot of art department stuff too. the writer's strike put the work at a halt after my first year here and i begrudgingly had to go back to waiting tables and bartending to pay the bills. now i am back in entertainment, only in a much more fun way, where i get to watch tv and talk about it with people--essentially social media/community work. i spend a lot of time at work watching shows, which kinda rules!
here is my flickr if you wanna check out my polaroids n holga stuff. i am behind on processing and have a dozen rolls of 120 still to do, not to mention some 35mm that has been sitting around for way too long. i got a hasselblad for xmas and am in love with it! great to hear from you, i am never really on this site (i keep forgetting about it, geez) but still great to hear from the old skool folks!
I really want a Pilkington t-shirt!