Shamelessly late @bloghomework! Sorry @missy @rambo @lyxzen !
Although I've been rather indifferent towards so-called reality shows, RuPaul's Frag Race has won my heart.
I love how genuinely hilarious this show is. We all know reality shows are staged for the most part, some less than others, but RPDR is the only reality show I've seen to date that is full of this adorable absurdity, insanely upbeat attitude, and neverending jokes that never fail to make me laugh.
My favorite season was season 6. I just couldn't pick a favorite! I have yet to check out season 7 (I've been busy, boooo), but I'm sure I won't be disappointed.
Out of animated shows, I definitely need to mention SuperJail.
In it's most mellow moments, it's like Adventure Time on steroids and [even more] acid.
If you haven't checked it out yet, drop whatever you are doing and go stare at the screen - it's hard to explain how good the show is until you actually sit down and watch an entire episode from start to finish. Probably take a few tokes out of the bong before you do.
If I ever have the time to watch TV, it's either some crazy stuff from Adult Swim or Comedy Central (mostly South Park), or RuPaul's Drag Race. I have also greatly enjoyed Breaking Bad - very intense! My friends are trying to get me addicted to Game of Thrones, but I have yet to see a single episode (yes, I live under a rock). Is it as good as they say?