I couldn't miss this week's @bloghomework! @missy @rambo @lyxzen asked us what's the geekiest thing about each one of us. I wouldn't really consider myself a big time geek in a traditional sense of this word (I have no clue how to build a computer and I failed my calculus class), but there are some things about me that are indeed geeky. The biggest thing at this moment would hands down be my cosplay! I am a part-time cosplayer (you can find some of my stuff on cosplaydeviants), I've been cosplaying since college, but only recently I started to consider making/building costumes. In the near future, I want to experiment with Wonderflex and Fosshape, I have so many ideas! My ultimate goal is to build the exact Big Sister costume from Bioshock 2, and Isaac Clarke's suit, along Adam Jensen's bionic limbs, for a rule 63 cosplay.