My life has been quite boring lately, to be frank. I'm not too happy about the state of some things, but I'm working on it. I'm preparing for some big changes in the near future, something I have been planning for a long time, but only now started finding the guts to actually commit to.
Anyways, enough rambling, here's about some stuff I've been up to. I went to a motherfucking DEEP PURPLE concert some weeks ago, and goddamn, I was speechless. Needless to say that these dudes kick more ass at any age than any known band alive. (Sorry for the shitty photo quality, I had a blonde moment and left my phone at home).
I've also been (sort of) trying to not be such a goddamn hermit, but I'm not really than good at it. I'm glad it's finally September; for South Florida it means there is a probability that in a month or two it will no longer be 90+ degrees outside.
I'm hoping to shoot a new set soon! It's been such a long time since my last set, it's totally embarrassing! I'll post a more informative blog shortly, stay tuned!