Goddamn, the new SG site is looking pretty! I know I'm gonna miss the old site, but this looks like a good change. It will take some time to get used to some new functions, as well as the absence of a few minor others, but eventually, we will all get used to it as much as we did to the old site, and be just as nostalgic about it in case it underwent one more remodeling, let's say, 5-10 years from now (and maybe it might, who knows?). I'm definitely enjoying the sleek design, the way everything is arranged and organized is just fabulous, the ease of sharing blogs and pictures is super neat, and the fact that everything bigger is awesome (I am a bit nearsighted, so this helps big time, hehe). And who doesn't love the convenience with which you can now check SG from your phone? (I know I do).
Also, ALSO! I'd like to thank you all for supporting me! I can't believe I am now pink! I couldn't be happier!