Just a quick update, short and sweet.
School has been really busy lately, but I keep slaking off lol! Blame the Xbox
My Birthday is this upcoming Monday (I can't believe I'm going to be 22, oh shit!
I again want to thank everyone who left love on my set. I love you all folks <3
Finally got my hands on Deus Ex: Human Revolution. Best.fucking.game.EVER. If you are a gamer, and haven't checked it out yet, I'd strongly recommend this game to everyone, whether you are an occasional/rookie player or a gamer fanatic.
I also have the best boyfriend ever.
In other news, one of my friends made a silly goofy meme picture of me
Here's the original meme:
Just a quick update, short and sweet.
School has been really busy lately, but I keep slaking off lol! Blame the Xbox

My Birthday is this upcoming Monday (I can't believe I'm going to be 22, oh shit!

I again want to thank everyone who left love on my set. I love you all folks <3
Finally got my hands on Deus Ex: Human Revolution. Best.fucking.game.EVER. If you are a gamer, and haven't checked it out yet, I'd strongly recommend this game to everyone, whether you are an occasional/rookie player or a gamer fanatic.
I also have the best boyfriend ever.
In other news, one of my friends made a silly goofy meme picture of me

Here's the original meme:
Here's what my friend made using a picture from one of my non-SG modeling pictures
Just for the lulz
Take care folks
Another great set. You are gorgeous!
Hope you had an amazing Birthday!! The set is absolutely incredible, I can't believe it's in review and not Pink.. Luv Luv Luv it!!! Thanks for the info on Deus Ex, I saw it on G4 and had it on a list to check out, guess it's off to Amazon I go...