I hate having dreams about something that stresses me out!
Last night I had a dream I was late for work, and I got in a lot of shit because of it.
I woke up upset and pissed off!
I am the queen of having fucked up dreams, I think it's because I drink about 2 liters of diet coke a day!
Whats the most fucked up dream you have ever had? Was it one of the ones that effects you all day?
Lots of love

Last night I had a dream I was late for work, and I got in a lot of shit because of it.
I woke up upset and pissed off!
I am the queen of having fucked up dreams, I think it's because I drink about 2 liters of diet coke a day!
Whats the most fucked up dream you have ever had? Was it one of the ones that effects you all day?
Lots of love
wow, coming from such an amazingly beautiful person, I feel so flattered! thanks for the comment on my set girl 

I have the most fucked up dreams ever! I write them down sometimes. Last year in April I had a dream that a guy walked up to me and said "39 days". 39 days later over 1000 people died in the Dominican in flash floods. wierd huh?