So I'm a little over due for a blog post fersure.
I used to write in this on the daily but things have been a little crazy
What? with starting school and all that jazz.
Now that I'm getting so much attention from Up The Wall, I figure a blog is the best I can do to thank everyone for so much support <3 <3 <3
I really need to give a shoutout to Milloux (pretty sure that's how it's spelled) for being such a great and fun photographer. She did a kickass job shooting me, and made me feel so pretty and comfortable, so if you liked the set, thank her.
I'd also like to thank Fayne for bein such an awesome and supportive friend since the beginning, always so bright and beautiful, I hope we can do set together when I turn pink
Okay, I know I'm not accepting an award or anything, I'm just excited everyone seemed to really like my set and that makes me feel so happy and grateful.
In other news,,,
Getting tattooed today!
just some filling between my fairy and flowers.
If I can just say now, I might marry my tattoo artist. She's this beautiful, wonderful joy, and was actually a God's Girl (if I'm not mistaken).
Any SGs or Hopefuls looking for a new artist, and lives in the Chicago area, HMU, I'll refer you to her.
Okay, so I wanted to take this time to say what tattoos mean to me, since I've been getting a bit of snap from my mom about them.
Just to clarify, I'm really one of those people that tattoos up my body for no reason.
Lost of people do, and honestly, I don't pass judgment, sometimes people just like the look of the artwork, I can understand that,
For me, personally, the meaning is deeper.
Tattoos are permanent, they're not bumper stickers or T-shirts.
To me, having something permanent should be symbolic in some way.
The flowers on my shoulder are begonias.
...Scarlet Begonias, if I may clarify.
You know like the song....?
"She had rings on her fingers and bells on her shoes...
And I knew without asking she was into the blues...
She wore scarlet begonias tucked into her curls...
I knew right away she was not like other girls..."
If you have NO HIPPIE BACKGROUND I suppose I should tell you that song is by The Grateful Dead. Sublime covered it, too (when Brad was still in it, and it was the REAL Sublime-Bless his sweet soul-)
Anyway, those begonias are like my unique-ness. I feel like every girl has "scarlet begonias in her curls" by being unique. Women are beautiful because we're all different, in look and character.
Now, the Fairy, is done by Brian Froud (THE LIGHT OF MY EXISTENCE) If you aren't familiar with his work you should check it out. He's worked with Jim Henson to bring us one of the most memorable movies of all time:
My childhood <3
Anyhoo, I'm hoping to get a good Dark Crystal reference as a tattoo soon, but as of now, I'm just explaining the meaning of the ones I have and are getting today.
So back to the fairy...
I've always been a folklore nerd. I suppose you could say I had a bit of an obsession with fairies as a kid. Stories about fairies, movies about fairies, how to see fairies, how to attract fairies, building fairies houses in trees....
We moved around when I was a kid, I was a bit of an oddball and even though I was more extroverted as a child, I still had a hard time making friends; my imagination was my friend.
As my interest in fairies and folklore grew, I began going into the informational area of the library, researching different types of fairies. I wanted to write a book which encompassed all of them.
Right next to the fairy section is the occult section...
heheheh...well one thing led to another, and now I am a Wiccan.
And yes, I do still believe in fairies. Bite me.
I think fairies led me to The Craft, and I have them to thank for the richness that is my spirituality.
So thank you, Fairies.

The particular fairy on my arm now is a blue fairy, who will be sitting on a toadstool mushroom. She was the first one I picked because she looks so imaginative and other-worldly. She is a symbol of my imagination. I'll be getting more fairies today, Which I'm very excited about.
So, I'll give you guys an update on how the tattoos turn out, if we get everything I want done, You can expect a new set soon WOOPIE!
If any of you bothered reading all of this...

Drop me a line sometime, I pretty good about answering people. Let me know what you're thinking! I love talking to strangers...
yup, okay
So I'm a little over due for a blog post fersure.
I used to write in this on the daily but things have been a little crazy
What? with starting school and all that jazz.
Now that I'm getting so much attention from Up The Wall, I figure a blog is the best I can do to thank everyone for so much support <3 <3 <3
I really need to give a shoutout to Milloux (pretty sure that's how it's spelled) for being such a great and fun photographer. She did a kickass job shooting me, and made me feel so pretty and comfortable, so if you liked the set, thank her.
I'd also like to thank Fayne for bein such an awesome and supportive friend since the beginning, always so bright and beautiful, I hope we can do set together when I turn pink

Okay, I know I'm not accepting an award or anything, I'm just excited everyone seemed to really like my set and that makes me feel so happy and grateful.
In other news,,,
Getting tattooed today!
just some filling between my fairy and flowers.
If I can just say now, I might marry my tattoo artist. She's this beautiful, wonderful joy, and was actually a God's Girl (if I'm not mistaken).
Any SGs or Hopefuls looking for a new artist, and lives in the Chicago area, HMU, I'll refer you to her.
Okay, so I wanted to take this time to say what tattoos mean to me, since I've been getting a bit of snap from my mom about them.
Just to clarify, I'm really one of those people that tattoos up my body for no reason.
Lost of people do, and honestly, I don't pass judgment, sometimes people just like the look of the artwork, I can understand that,
For me, personally, the meaning is deeper.
Tattoos are permanent, they're not bumper stickers or T-shirts.
To me, having something permanent should be symbolic in some way.
The flowers on my shoulder are begonias.
...Scarlet Begonias, if I may clarify.
You know like the song....?
"She had rings on her fingers and bells on her shoes...
And I knew without asking she was into the blues...
She wore scarlet begonias tucked into her curls...
I knew right away she was not like other girls..."
If you have NO HIPPIE BACKGROUND I suppose I should tell you that song is by The Grateful Dead. Sublime covered it, too (when Brad was still in it, and it was the REAL Sublime-Bless his sweet soul-)
Anyway, those begonias are like my unique-ness. I feel like every girl has "scarlet begonias in her curls" by being unique. Women are beautiful because we're all different, in look and character.
Now, the Fairy, is done by Brian Froud (THE LIGHT OF MY EXISTENCE) If you aren't familiar with his work you should check it out. He's worked with Jim Henson to bring us one of the most memorable movies of all time:
My childhood <3
Anyhoo, I'm hoping to get a good Dark Crystal reference as a tattoo soon, but as of now, I'm just explaining the meaning of the ones I have and are getting today.
So back to the fairy...
I've always been a folklore nerd. I suppose you could say I had a bit of an obsession with fairies as a kid. Stories about fairies, movies about fairies, how to see fairies, how to attract fairies, building fairies houses in trees....
We moved around when I was a kid, I was a bit of an oddball and even though I was more extroverted as a child, I still had a hard time making friends; my imagination was my friend.
As my interest in fairies and folklore grew, I began going into the informational area of the library, researching different types of fairies. I wanted to write a book which encompassed all of them.
Right next to the fairy section is the occult section...
heheheh...well one thing led to another, and now I am a Wiccan.
And yes, I do still believe in fairies. Bite me.
I think fairies led me to The Craft, and I have them to thank for the richness that is my spirituality.
So thank you, Fairies.

The particular fairy on my arm now is a blue fairy, who will be sitting on a toadstool mushroom. She was the first one I picked because she looks so imaginative and other-worldly. She is a symbol of my imagination. I'll be getting more fairies today, Which I'm very excited about.
So, I'll give you guys an update on how the tattoos turn out, if we get everything I want done, You can expect a new set soon WOOPIE!
If any of you bothered reading all of this...

Drop me a line sometime, I pretty good about answering people. Let me know what you're thinking! I love talking to strangers...
yup, okay

Thanks u guys, :')

Good Luck!