So someone commented my page once, asking why I do all these stream-of-contentiousness blogs...and why don't I go out and "live"?
Well, I mean, I guess from a normal person's perspective, I'm a bit of a shut-in...but to me, I find solace in my imagination...which comes from writing...
I'm in the middle of writing two books right now, even though both of them can be a little neglected due to Skyrim...
I guess I once was a person who would go out and "live" but writing IS me living.
Whether it's venting in my dairy, blogging on SG, or working on my novels.
I think there is something that will never compare to the beauty of words, and how we use them...
I mean think about it, the way in which we communicate, the way we document things that are important to us; our feelings, our goals, or tangible things like some flame food, or a really cute puppy...
none of those things would ever reach someone else without words...
If you're down with the whole, "If a tree falls in the forest and no one can hear it, does it make a sound?"
My answer...
No, it does not.
Just as if someone blind were to sit on their porch, and a beautiful sunset was before them, would it still be there?
Maybe in the technological, time-and-space aspect it would. But for the blind man? No. It's not there.
But with the power of words, I could sit beside him, and describe each aspect; the way the eastern dark blue sky meshes with the purple clouds. How those purple clouds drip down into the horizon. If the sunset had a taste, I think it would be the sweet part of a grapefruit (excluding that bitter after taste) just pure citrus sweetness, with maybe a touch of mango. I could say how the light from the sun amplifies all the perfections in the earth and how the shadows are long and thin.
If one could really use words properly, the could make that sunset real for the blind man, maybe make it look even more beautiful than how it really is.
In "The Hours," one of the writers talks about that, in order to be a true writer, you need to passionately write it all. the way the threads feel in a blanket, the way your loved one carries in the groceries, the way a cigarette flows out smoke from the cherry like ribbon.
there's so much in the many little moments, which thousands and thousands of beautiful, delectable words are just waiting, longing, to be used in just one sentence.
Think about the power words have, how they can inflict so much feeling inside you. They're so powerful.
To use that, to learn and practice how to use words, so that, maybe, one person out there can see from my eyes, and feel with my heart, and understand...and feel it, too.
I mean....
That's living.
...for me, at least.
Well, I mean, I guess from a normal person's perspective, I'm a bit of a shut-in...but to me, I find solace in my imagination...which comes from writing...
I'm in the middle of writing two books right now, even though both of them can be a little neglected due to Skyrim...
I guess I once was a person who would go out and "live" but writing IS me living.
Whether it's venting in my dairy, blogging on SG, or working on my novels.
I think there is something that will never compare to the beauty of words, and how we use them...
I mean think about it, the way in which we communicate, the way we document things that are important to us; our feelings, our goals, or tangible things like some flame food, or a really cute puppy...
none of those things would ever reach someone else without words...
If you're down with the whole, "If a tree falls in the forest and no one can hear it, does it make a sound?"
My answer...
No, it does not.
Just as if someone blind were to sit on their porch, and a beautiful sunset was before them, would it still be there?
Maybe in the technological, time-and-space aspect it would. But for the blind man? No. It's not there.
But with the power of words, I could sit beside him, and describe each aspect; the way the eastern dark blue sky meshes with the purple clouds. How those purple clouds drip down into the horizon. If the sunset had a taste, I think it would be the sweet part of a grapefruit (excluding that bitter after taste) just pure citrus sweetness, with maybe a touch of mango. I could say how the light from the sun amplifies all the perfections in the earth and how the shadows are long and thin.
If one could really use words properly, the could make that sunset real for the blind man, maybe make it look even more beautiful than how it really is.
In "The Hours," one of the writers talks about that, in order to be a true writer, you need to passionately write it all. the way the threads feel in a blanket, the way your loved one carries in the groceries, the way a cigarette flows out smoke from the cherry like ribbon.
there's so much in the many little moments, which thousands and thousands of beautiful, delectable words are just waiting, longing, to be used in just one sentence.
Think about the power words have, how they can inflict so much feeling inside you. They're so powerful.
To use that, to learn and practice how to use words, so that, maybe, one person out there can see from my eyes, and feel with my heart, and understand...and feel it, too.
I mean....
That's living.
...for me, at least.
Beautiful and damn sexy new set
I like your thoughts on writing. I agree wholeheartedly. Keep scribbling !