Dear Zelda~
I had such a hard time sleeping last night; it was really annoying.
Lately, it doesn't matter how tired I am, or how early I'm in bed, I just can't sleep until after 3AM, and when I wake up, I just CAN NOT fall back asleep.
I've been doing a lot or research on the contentiousness shift...and well...I believe it.
I mean I can't just throw a thesis down right now, but I did write a 12 page paper about it for my world religions class. I don't know what I grade I got...instructors never email me back.
But my bibliography was 2 pages hopefully that means I got a good grade.'s a lot to explain...but I'll do my best for you guys...
Interesting enough....I was checking my emails, and I saw an article titled as, Us Government Assures World Will Not End on Dec. 21.
It's pretty funny, actually...I mean...
When I was reading the comments, most people responded humorously and sarcastically. On the flip side, many responded in an anxious way, most-likely thinking, If nothing is going to happen, why make a public announcement? No one said anything about the possibility of a consciousness shift, the ascension of our frequency, or any possibility aside from the 21st being another nonsense day, or it being the ultimate Armageddon.
Its not that Im saying a cataclysmic event will happen; but no comments in regards to the article mentioned anything about an alternative. If people could open their eyes, they would see that our world is transforming into something very different. We are going through a metamorphosis; an evolutionary change. Does the day of December 21, 2012 hold some substance regarding that?
Im not a psychic or an astronomer, so I cant say I know anything about what is to come in the future. Even still, Im here now, and Ive got a good grip on whats happening in the present; and I want to share it with people.
I guess the best place to start is with my personal feelings...I mean, I always kinda just...knew I was different.
I felt alone, and deep in my head a lot...I remember having really deep thoughts...
I mean, thinking about stuff like, God and the universe, and really big out-there type of shit...
I don't know how normal it is for a 4 year old...
Anyway, many kids have feelings of belonging nowhere, or feeling torn between numerous cliques. Growing numbers of children have over-active imaginations, and problems with hyperactivity. Lots of parents have a hard time understanding their children because their kids do not comply with their authority, and learn in a very different way.
I mean, I didn't come from the healthiest household...but I don't think I punishments ever fullfilled their core-purpose with me...
Society had tried to cram these children into the cookie-cut school system, and sedate them with drugs, like animals.
Instead of looking as these children negatively, a new theory has just begun to scrap the surface; so stay with me here...because this is where an open mind is needed...
Within the past ten years, the Indigo Phenomena had gained quite a bit of public attention. It began when schools and parents began to realize a growing number of kids that did not fit the regulated school system. They are highly individual, tend to be rebellious, and become distracted easily.
It was at the same time, that ADD and ADHD became popularized, as well.
On the other hand, many Indigo Children independently force themselves into adapting to their parents or the school system, causing them to become easily depressed.
Now, Im not saying every person who has depression, ADD or ADHD is an Indigo child, but honestly, how much to we possibly know about these disorders?
If you read my first blog, I went on this rant about how frustrating psychology is.
Psychology is a very new science, and the Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders changes every four years, with current psychologists using the fifth edition.
When I was getting a cup of coffee the other day, I eye-balled The Wall Street Journal, and found an article discussing the evident flaws in how the DSM is written.
I mean, seriously dude, if homosexuality was in listed in the DSM in third edition, how credible is edition five?
With that being said, youre probably wondering, Well, what is the Indigo Phenomena, and what makes it such a big deal?
In order to understand how Indigo Children are possible, you need to understand a few things about astronomy and energy...
First of all, if anyone has ever heard of the phrase procession of the equinoxes, it is most-likely they think of some conspiracy theory, or some metaphysical mumbo-jumbo.
In actuality, the phrase simply makes reference to something called...
axial procession,
which is a reoccurring shift in the magnetic energy of the poles; it has been known to happen every 26,000 years.
The phrase, procession of the equinoxes, became the more historical name for axial procession because in the past shifts, it was believed they took place in line with certain stars and the path of the sun. Although its very difficult to pin-point exactly where and when the earth moved to, the idea that the shifts had occurred on an equinox or solstice is controversial, only because when the axis shifts, even a little bit, it can change the entire timing of the earths calendar.
However, keep in mind, that numerous ancient religions (such as ancient Egypt, Maya, and Druids) honored these days of the year and considered them sacred. Being a Wiccan, I also believe these particular days hold a lot of consequence.
These various processions, with sections about 26,000 years apart, are known as an age. During these various ages, the earth regresses a full 360 degrees through all twelve traditional constellations of the zodiac. When I say zodiac, Im not saying you need to start checking your horoscope, Im simply stating scientific facts.
So, do you need to believe in the zodiac, to understand Indigos?
Not at all.
However, for those who are against considering astrology whatsoever, I would like to point out that the peak of the Piscean age was the coming of Jesus.
Now, Im not saying Jesus was the bona fide son of God, but at the same time, the sign of Pisces represents compassion, understanding, love and unity; all things which Jesus taught. For a more visual idea, the constellation of Pisces is symbolized by two fish, and the symbol for Jesus is represented by.what?
A fish.
Put that in your pipe and smoke it....
Second of all, science has proved the existence of energy a while ago.
Theres two types that the planet funtions off of to make a balance.
Many people recognize this as
Yin and Yang,
positive and negative
and so on.
Its good to imagine the planet as a big human being (rather than a garbage dump) who has two equal balances of energy. For an understandable purpose, we can call these energies
We, as humans, also have two brain hemispheres,
one is more geared towards female energy,
and the other is more towards the male.
We can look at male energy as being the left side of the brain; it is analytical and systematic. It makes us good at math and, most of the time, science. The left hemisphere helps us to solve a maze or an equation problem.
On the right side, we have the female part of the brain, which is colorful and thinks outside the box. Its the part of the brain that makes us good at art or helps create that image in our head while reading a book.
Okay, so if you've ever heard of something called The Fibonacci Spiral...we can be on the same page here, if not here's a link to a picture:,r:3,s:0,i:165&tx=19&ty=49&biw=1024&bih=624
Im no math-guru, but its easy to see how male and female energy works through this spiral,
male being the angular lines,
and female being the curve.
This spiral is interesting because its present in all life on earth, and it relies on the last two numbers to be formed together in an equation, as if its balancing itself out.
For example, the sequence starts with 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 223fundamentally continuing on indefinitely.
If you study the numbers, you can see how they seem to connect so perfectly the beginning, but flow out forever in this very specific way. So thats great, what does it have to do with our world changing?
Well, what kind of example was that?
It was a linear mathematical theory illustrating the possibility of this type of energy flow.
An example saying,
feel this energy moving within your body,
would be a more wishy-washy touchy-feely sort of example, which most people would not take seriously, and this brings me to the obvious point that we are totally out of whack with our female energy.
Collectively, people value schedules, direct routes to work, straightforward answers, and staying focused from task to task without question. More people are sitting around watching TV, than curling up with a book.
I heard a wonderful quote from a scientist who said,
"Any style of thinking that does not reflecting using or producing goods, is stigmatized in out society."
Basically...the world is hopelessly stupid.
Male energy rules the viewpoints in developed countries. What is happening now is the male energy is beginning to boil over. Theres just too much of it, and its putting a strain on, not just individuals, but the planet as a whole.
By strain on the planet, I mean the universal environmental, political, religious, nuclear crisis. Global warming is catching up with us (I mean, seriously, I'm in Chicago, its not normal to be watching A Christmas Story on a sunny day). In the Middle East, the elections are getting worse and worse.
Not to mention recent news with North Korea launching ballistic missiles.
Were a mess! I mean, aside with coming up with creative ways of killing each other, what has any nation really accomplished since the Roman Empire?
This isn't a paranormal thing; a lot of people are Indigos and dont know it, and more and more Indigos are being born every day.
They are prominently right-brained thinkers, and are born with a large amount of female energy.
Its easy to imagine this being possible if you go back to my example of the earth being a human body. When there is an increase in testosterone, the body automatically will increase the estrogen as well. Its the same thing.
In a metaphorical aspect, Earth cannot handle anymore testosterone, or in this case, male energy, so it is helping to incarnate souls with more female energy. Indigo children are being incarnated onto this planet to help the world balance its yin and yang, so that we can be harmonious with each other and the rest of the planet.
We have our own way of thinking which is usually very different from generations before, we dont think in straight lines, and have a difficulty seeing things as a direct route.
We cant focus on one small aspect because female energy needs movement and more stimulation.
Our brains operate at a very fast rate, many Indigos are very intelligent, (the average IQ for an Indigo Child is 140) however, we have a hard time fitting into the school system.
Indigos have an automatic need to help others, seek knowledge, and create new things, because that is when their true nature is being fulfilled.
Indigos were meant to help others, seek knowledge, and create, if you have interests, a profession, or a major in something that reflects these things, consider the possibility that perhaps you are an Indigo Child as well, are your skills being used to their highest potential?
School systems are just starting to understand their teaching methods are outdated. Children who are diagnosed with ADD and ADHD dont have learning disorders; they simply think differently.
According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention website,
Rates of ADHD diagnosis increased an average of 3% per year from 1997 to 2006 and an average of 5.5% per year from 2003 to 2007 [while] the percentage of children with a parent-reported ADHD diagnosis increased by 22% between 2003 and 2007.
Personally, I think pumping kids, as young as 4, with medications that is equivalent to meth-amphetamines is just plain evil.
So, at this point, I hope youve got an idea that maybe this ADHD epidemic might not be a disorder, but an evolutionary change in our brain chemistry.
Our brains are changing in order to help transition into the age of Aquarius. However, Im sure some people are tied up in their left-brained perspective wanting more proof on this Indigo stuff.
If not, youre probably wondering, Well, whats this Age of Aquarius entail for our planet?
Well, since psychology isnt able to make up its mind for more than four years at a time, lets look at some basic neuroscience technology...
If you are not familiar with the 4 main brainwaves, here's a link to check them out:,r:4,s:0,i:129&biw=1024&bih=624
Okay so there are the four basic brain waves.
Beta is the lowest frequency; with the fastest waves. Its the waking state, but specifically, it is the fastest and lowest when youre operating while fearful or angry.
Most people are functioning on the Beta level when they're on "auto-pilot" working/driving/eating blah blah blah you get it...
Then comes Alpha which is still pretty fast, but its getting a bit higher. Youd be operating in Alpha waves during a more tranquil state, its when you spend time doing something enjoyable, then look at the time and wonder how a few hours went by like minutes. There are a lot of things you can do to get into Alpha, such as exercising, spending time in nature, or simply daydreaming.
Theta waves are much slower, and higher, and are associated with drowsiness and the early stages of sleep, however, you can be awake and be in operating on a theta level, but it usually depends on what youre thinking of or what youre doing.
Delta waves are the highest and slowest brainwaves most people are known to operate on. It is when youre in a very deep sleep, or perhaps a very deep trance.
Brain waves are scientifically proven; they are measured the same way microwaves, X-rays and any electromagnetic frequency can be measured.
Oh yeah, big deal,
is what youre probably thinking,
but this is where it gets good. In her book, Frequency: The Power of Personal Vibration, Penny Peirce states:
Researchers have found that brains of people who suffer from ADHD are primarily functioning at the theta levelhyperactive kids, for example, are trying to speed up, live inside their bodies, deal with ordinary reality, and think straight and logically. (Pg. 83).
DUUUAHHHHHH!!!!! How amazing is that?
People with ADHD are operating on a theta level; it means that they are already giving off a higher frequency!
You're down here, while everyone else is way up here....
I mean, that fucking crazy.
Whats so consequential about higher frequencies? Well I can share what I know, but its got a lot to do with the String Theory, deep breath
Here are some String Theory basics:
1.the world is made up of atoms
2. atoms are made up of subatomic particles (neutrons, electrons, protons)
this is just basic science, right?
Well it is, until you start to wonder what is making these subatomic particles.
The leading idea in the scientific community is the String Theory.
String Theory suggests subatomic particles are made up of teeny tiny strings; these strings vibrate at a certain frequency. It helps to look at it as music; say, for example, a c-note is played, thats what makes a proton form. String theory is built on quantum physics, and Einsteins Theory of Relativity.
Although the String Theory is not fully developed or entirely tested
(because it states an idea that suggests we do not have the mental capacity to understand all there is to know)
its sort of a conundrum to attempt at testing. However, the String Theory does suggest there are somewhere in between nine and eleven dimensions, including the three we already know about. Sting Theory can be frustrating, and difficult to understand, but its important to know some things about it.
If the String Theory is correct, then our big gigantic universe is all a part of this one teeny tiny dimension.
The reason its important to take the String Theory into account is to understand that
frequencies are everywhere,
and the higher our frequency is,
the more knowledge is open to us.
As a species, sure we want to evolve and get smarter and better. However, as a collective consciousness, our ultimate goal is to
Surely, you couldnt think life is all about affording McDonalds and watching The Bad Girls Club, did you?
Along with dimensions, gamma rays, X-rays, microwaves, our thoughts and pretty much everything else, the earth as a planet also emits a frequency.
The earths frequency is called,
Schumann Resonance.
Its measurement has stayed at 7.8 cycles per second for decades, but new reports are showing the earths SR is rising, it hit 8.6 in 2009, and now,
(my most recent sources are all saying something different)
all the numbers for the 2012 cycles are between 11and 12 cycles. That is an enormous jump, for a timeframe so small.
Even though Mother Earths pulse is
rising, her magnetic strength is
weakening. Some research says the field has lost over half its energy in the past 4,000 years. All of this may be leading to a
or what I mentioned earlier about an axis procession.
This is significant because, to reference to the book, Frequency: The Power of Personal Vibration again, in regards to the earths SR, Penny says:
Many researchers link the earths changes to our own cellular vibration and even evolutionary DNA changes, with a weaker magnetic field, and a faster base frequency, old emotional and mental patterns are less locked in, and we have easier access to higher frequencies, and therefore a higher consciousnesswe are speeding up towards a shift in energy and awareness.
So whats up with these dimensions?
Whats with a pole shift?
Am I inferring there will be a pole shift on Dec. 21st?
Like I said, I cant tell the future, I have no idea what will happen, but I do know our DNA is changing, and we are becoming more aware of the energies around us.
Just you reading this, educating yourself about frequency activation, it is awakening a greater cause within yourself.
Many theories believe we are ascending from the third level of consciousness, into the fifth level of consciousness.
Have you noticed time feels like its going much faster in these past couple weeks?
Has your world felt like its just all too much or too overwhelming?
Have you had headaches, earaches, backaches, or cramps that make you feel like you have eleven-year-old growing pains, again?
Going back to what even started me on this huge rant was my sleep patterns...sure, during puberty I had a case of insomnia, but why now? why so often? Has any one else's sleep schedule been making them an insomniac, or maybe some people have been oversleeping for no reason?
Not to sound like a total infomercial, but if any question hit home, perhaps it opens a door to a possibility that there will be a change in our evolution; perhaps we have not evolved to our full potential.
Id like to think that my personal aches and pains (that my doctor has not found any reason for) would be the result of an evolutionary shift.
If anyone has done research on DNA, they would probably find that weve got this 90% of DNA we dont really use, and no one could really figure out why we have it.
The crazy part, is that there are actually some people being born with a tri-helix, rather than a double.
In the fascinating series, Spirit Science: Patch Parables, in Jordan Ducgynzs video about DNA, he says:
As our knowledge evolves into the multi-dimensional spectrum, the understanding of structures of DNA will progressively advance.
All in all, to really just put my point down, no one is operating at their full potential on this planet,
and well
its sad.
We are missing out on a huge part of what life should be about.
We are not free anywhere,
people in our media are glorified for being greedy and mean.
People need to constantly be entertained by monotonous technology, when we could be using our resources to big about a change so we would not have to be slaves to the money-system.
Our consciousness is shifting right now;
I believe we are slowly coming into the Age of Aquarius,
where people can be congratulated for being different, instead of exploited.
A higher frequency simply means allowing
love and compassion
to rule over your ego and personal desires.
Think of how beautiful the world would be if we focused on loving each other, rather than killing each other. Im excited for this transforming planet;
Im excited for myself and
everyone reading this,
and everyone who believes me,
and doesn't believe me,
and people who feel different, and scared of this world,
to make this change with me.
We are all a part of one another, our frequencies will continue to rise whether or not you believe this.
I'm gunna go get some food.
I had such a hard time sleeping last night; it was really annoying.
Lately, it doesn't matter how tired I am, or how early I'm in bed, I just can't sleep until after 3AM, and when I wake up, I just CAN NOT fall back asleep.
I've been doing a lot or research on the contentiousness shift...and well...I believe it.
I mean I can't just throw a thesis down right now, but I did write a 12 page paper about it for my world religions class. I don't know what I grade I got...instructors never email me back.
But my bibliography was 2 pages hopefully that means I got a good grade.'s a lot to explain...but I'll do my best for you guys...
Interesting enough....I was checking my emails, and I saw an article titled as, Us Government Assures World Will Not End on Dec. 21.
It's pretty funny, actually...I mean...
When I was reading the comments, most people responded humorously and sarcastically. On the flip side, many responded in an anxious way, most-likely thinking, If nothing is going to happen, why make a public announcement? No one said anything about the possibility of a consciousness shift, the ascension of our frequency, or any possibility aside from the 21st being another nonsense day, or it being the ultimate Armageddon.
Its not that Im saying a cataclysmic event will happen; but no comments in regards to the article mentioned anything about an alternative. If people could open their eyes, they would see that our world is transforming into something very different. We are going through a metamorphosis; an evolutionary change. Does the day of December 21, 2012 hold some substance regarding that?
Im not a psychic or an astronomer, so I cant say I know anything about what is to come in the future. Even still, Im here now, and Ive got a good grip on whats happening in the present; and I want to share it with people.
I guess the best place to start is with my personal feelings...I mean, I always kinda just...knew I was different.
I felt alone, and deep in my head a lot...I remember having really deep thoughts...
I mean, thinking about stuff like, God and the universe, and really big out-there type of shit...
I don't know how normal it is for a 4 year old...
Anyway, many kids have feelings of belonging nowhere, or feeling torn between numerous cliques. Growing numbers of children have over-active imaginations, and problems with hyperactivity. Lots of parents have a hard time understanding their children because their kids do not comply with their authority, and learn in a very different way.
I mean, I didn't come from the healthiest household...but I don't think I punishments ever fullfilled their core-purpose with me...
Society had tried to cram these children into the cookie-cut school system, and sedate them with drugs, like animals.
Instead of looking as these children negatively, a new theory has just begun to scrap the surface; so stay with me here...because this is where an open mind is needed...
Within the past ten years, the Indigo Phenomena had gained quite a bit of public attention. It began when schools and parents began to realize a growing number of kids that did not fit the regulated school system. They are highly individual, tend to be rebellious, and become distracted easily.
It was at the same time, that ADD and ADHD became popularized, as well.
On the other hand, many Indigo Children independently force themselves into adapting to their parents or the school system, causing them to become easily depressed.
Now, Im not saying every person who has depression, ADD or ADHD is an Indigo child, but honestly, how much to we possibly know about these disorders?
If you read my first blog, I went on this rant about how frustrating psychology is.
Psychology is a very new science, and the Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders changes every four years, with current psychologists using the fifth edition.
When I was getting a cup of coffee the other day, I eye-balled The Wall Street Journal, and found an article discussing the evident flaws in how the DSM is written.
I mean, seriously dude, if homosexuality was in listed in the DSM in third edition, how credible is edition five?
With that being said, youre probably wondering, Well, what is the Indigo Phenomena, and what makes it such a big deal?
In order to understand how Indigo Children are possible, you need to understand a few things about astronomy and energy...
First of all, if anyone has ever heard of the phrase procession of the equinoxes, it is most-likely they think of some conspiracy theory, or some metaphysical mumbo-jumbo.
In actuality, the phrase simply makes reference to something called...
axial procession,
which is a reoccurring shift in the magnetic energy of the poles; it has been known to happen every 26,000 years.
The phrase, procession of the equinoxes, became the more historical name for axial procession because in the past shifts, it was believed they took place in line with certain stars and the path of the sun. Although its very difficult to pin-point exactly where and when the earth moved to, the idea that the shifts had occurred on an equinox or solstice is controversial, only because when the axis shifts, even a little bit, it can change the entire timing of the earths calendar.
However, keep in mind, that numerous ancient religions (such as ancient Egypt, Maya, and Druids) honored these days of the year and considered them sacred. Being a Wiccan, I also believe these particular days hold a lot of consequence.
These various processions, with sections about 26,000 years apart, are known as an age. During these various ages, the earth regresses a full 360 degrees through all twelve traditional constellations of the zodiac. When I say zodiac, Im not saying you need to start checking your horoscope, Im simply stating scientific facts.
So, do you need to believe in the zodiac, to understand Indigos?
Not at all.
However, for those who are against considering astrology whatsoever, I would like to point out that the peak of the Piscean age was the coming of Jesus.
Now, Im not saying Jesus was the bona fide son of God, but at the same time, the sign of Pisces represents compassion, understanding, love and unity; all things which Jesus taught. For a more visual idea, the constellation of Pisces is symbolized by two fish, and the symbol for Jesus is represented by.what?
A fish.
Put that in your pipe and smoke it....
Second of all, science has proved the existence of energy a while ago.
Theres two types that the planet funtions off of to make a balance.
Many people recognize this as
Yin and Yang,
positive and negative
and so on.
Its good to imagine the planet as a big human being (rather than a garbage dump) who has two equal balances of energy. For an understandable purpose, we can call these energies
We, as humans, also have two brain hemispheres,
one is more geared towards female energy,
and the other is more towards the male.
We can look at male energy as being the left side of the brain; it is analytical and systematic. It makes us good at math and, most of the time, science. The left hemisphere helps us to solve a maze or an equation problem.
On the right side, we have the female part of the brain, which is colorful and thinks outside the box. Its the part of the brain that makes us good at art or helps create that image in our head while reading a book.
Okay, so if you've ever heard of something called The Fibonacci Spiral...we can be on the same page here, if not here's a link to a picture:,r:3,s:0,i:165&tx=19&ty=49&biw=1024&bih=624
Im no math-guru, but its easy to see how male and female energy works through this spiral,
male being the angular lines,
and female being the curve.
This spiral is interesting because its present in all life on earth, and it relies on the last two numbers to be formed together in an equation, as if its balancing itself out.
For example, the sequence starts with 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 223fundamentally continuing on indefinitely.
If you study the numbers, you can see how they seem to connect so perfectly the beginning, but flow out forever in this very specific way. So thats great, what does it have to do with our world changing?
Well, what kind of example was that?
It was a linear mathematical theory illustrating the possibility of this type of energy flow.
An example saying,
feel this energy moving within your body,
would be a more wishy-washy touchy-feely sort of example, which most people would not take seriously, and this brings me to the obvious point that we are totally out of whack with our female energy.
Collectively, people value schedules, direct routes to work, straightforward answers, and staying focused from task to task without question. More people are sitting around watching TV, than curling up with a book.
I heard a wonderful quote from a scientist who said,
"Any style of thinking that does not reflecting using or producing goods, is stigmatized in out society."
Basically...the world is hopelessly stupid.
Male energy rules the viewpoints in developed countries. What is happening now is the male energy is beginning to boil over. Theres just too much of it, and its putting a strain on, not just individuals, but the planet as a whole.
By strain on the planet, I mean the universal environmental, political, religious, nuclear crisis. Global warming is catching up with us (I mean, seriously, I'm in Chicago, its not normal to be watching A Christmas Story on a sunny day). In the Middle East, the elections are getting worse and worse.
Not to mention recent news with North Korea launching ballistic missiles.
Were a mess! I mean, aside with coming up with creative ways of killing each other, what has any nation really accomplished since the Roman Empire?
This isn't a paranormal thing; a lot of people are Indigos and dont know it, and more and more Indigos are being born every day.
They are prominently right-brained thinkers, and are born with a large amount of female energy.
Its easy to imagine this being possible if you go back to my example of the earth being a human body. When there is an increase in testosterone, the body automatically will increase the estrogen as well. Its the same thing.
In a metaphorical aspect, Earth cannot handle anymore testosterone, or in this case, male energy, so it is helping to incarnate souls with more female energy. Indigo children are being incarnated onto this planet to help the world balance its yin and yang, so that we can be harmonious with each other and the rest of the planet.
We have our own way of thinking which is usually very different from generations before, we dont think in straight lines, and have a difficulty seeing things as a direct route.
We cant focus on one small aspect because female energy needs movement and more stimulation.
Our brains operate at a very fast rate, many Indigos are very intelligent, (the average IQ for an Indigo Child is 140) however, we have a hard time fitting into the school system.
Indigos have an automatic need to help others, seek knowledge, and create new things, because that is when their true nature is being fulfilled.
Indigos were meant to help others, seek knowledge, and create, if you have interests, a profession, or a major in something that reflects these things, consider the possibility that perhaps you are an Indigo Child as well, are your skills being used to their highest potential?
School systems are just starting to understand their teaching methods are outdated. Children who are diagnosed with ADD and ADHD dont have learning disorders; they simply think differently.
According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention website,
Rates of ADHD diagnosis increased an average of 3% per year from 1997 to 2006 and an average of 5.5% per year from 2003 to 2007 [while] the percentage of children with a parent-reported ADHD diagnosis increased by 22% between 2003 and 2007.
Personally, I think pumping kids, as young as 4, with medications that is equivalent to meth-amphetamines is just plain evil.
So, at this point, I hope youve got an idea that maybe this ADHD epidemic might not be a disorder, but an evolutionary change in our brain chemistry.
Our brains are changing in order to help transition into the age of Aquarius. However, Im sure some people are tied up in their left-brained perspective wanting more proof on this Indigo stuff.
If not, youre probably wondering, Well, whats this Age of Aquarius entail for our planet?
Well, since psychology isnt able to make up its mind for more than four years at a time, lets look at some basic neuroscience technology...
If you are not familiar with the 4 main brainwaves, here's a link to check them out:,r:4,s:0,i:129&biw=1024&bih=624
Okay so there are the four basic brain waves.
Beta is the lowest frequency; with the fastest waves. Its the waking state, but specifically, it is the fastest and lowest when youre operating while fearful or angry.
Most people are functioning on the Beta level when they're on "auto-pilot" working/driving/eating blah blah blah you get it...
Then comes Alpha which is still pretty fast, but its getting a bit higher. Youd be operating in Alpha waves during a more tranquil state, its when you spend time doing something enjoyable, then look at the time and wonder how a few hours went by like minutes. There are a lot of things you can do to get into Alpha, such as exercising, spending time in nature, or simply daydreaming.
Theta waves are much slower, and higher, and are associated with drowsiness and the early stages of sleep, however, you can be awake and be in operating on a theta level, but it usually depends on what youre thinking of or what youre doing.
Delta waves are the highest and slowest brainwaves most people are known to operate on. It is when youre in a very deep sleep, or perhaps a very deep trance.
Brain waves are scientifically proven; they are measured the same way microwaves, X-rays and any electromagnetic frequency can be measured.
Oh yeah, big deal,
is what youre probably thinking,
but this is where it gets good. In her book, Frequency: The Power of Personal Vibration, Penny Peirce states:
Researchers have found that brains of people who suffer from ADHD are primarily functioning at the theta levelhyperactive kids, for example, are trying to speed up, live inside their bodies, deal with ordinary reality, and think straight and logically. (Pg. 83).
DUUUAHHHHHH!!!!! How amazing is that?
People with ADHD are operating on a theta level; it means that they are already giving off a higher frequency!
You're down here, while everyone else is way up here....
I mean, that fucking crazy.
Whats so consequential about higher frequencies? Well I can share what I know, but its got a lot to do with the String Theory, deep breath
Here are some String Theory basics:
1.the world is made up of atoms
2. atoms are made up of subatomic particles (neutrons, electrons, protons)
this is just basic science, right?
Well it is, until you start to wonder what is making these subatomic particles.
The leading idea in the scientific community is the String Theory.
String Theory suggests subatomic particles are made up of teeny tiny strings; these strings vibrate at a certain frequency. It helps to look at it as music; say, for example, a c-note is played, thats what makes a proton form. String theory is built on quantum physics, and Einsteins Theory of Relativity.
Although the String Theory is not fully developed or entirely tested
(because it states an idea that suggests we do not have the mental capacity to understand all there is to know)
its sort of a conundrum to attempt at testing. However, the String Theory does suggest there are somewhere in between nine and eleven dimensions, including the three we already know about. Sting Theory can be frustrating, and difficult to understand, but its important to know some things about it.
If the String Theory is correct, then our big gigantic universe is all a part of this one teeny tiny dimension.
The reason its important to take the String Theory into account is to understand that
frequencies are everywhere,
and the higher our frequency is,
the more knowledge is open to us.
As a species, sure we want to evolve and get smarter and better. However, as a collective consciousness, our ultimate goal is to
Surely, you couldnt think life is all about affording McDonalds and watching The Bad Girls Club, did you?
Along with dimensions, gamma rays, X-rays, microwaves, our thoughts and pretty much everything else, the earth as a planet also emits a frequency.
The earths frequency is called,
Schumann Resonance.
Its measurement has stayed at 7.8 cycles per second for decades, but new reports are showing the earths SR is rising, it hit 8.6 in 2009, and now,
(my most recent sources are all saying something different)
all the numbers for the 2012 cycles are between 11and 12 cycles. That is an enormous jump, for a timeframe so small.
Even though Mother Earths pulse is
rising, her magnetic strength is
weakening. Some research says the field has lost over half its energy in the past 4,000 years. All of this may be leading to a
or what I mentioned earlier about an axis procession.
This is significant because, to reference to the book, Frequency: The Power of Personal Vibration again, in regards to the earths SR, Penny says:
Many researchers link the earths changes to our own cellular vibration and even evolutionary DNA changes, with a weaker magnetic field, and a faster base frequency, old emotional and mental patterns are less locked in, and we have easier access to higher frequencies, and therefore a higher consciousnesswe are speeding up towards a shift in energy and awareness.
So whats up with these dimensions?
Whats with a pole shift?
Am I inferring there will be a pole shift on Dec. 21st?
Like I said, I cant tell the future, I have no idea what will happen, but I do know our DNA is changing, and we are becoming more aware of the energies around us.
Just you reading this, educating yourself about frequency activation, it is awakening a greater cause within yourself.
Many theories believe we are ascending from the third level of consciousness, into the fifth level of consciousness.
Have you noticed time feels like its going much faster in these past couple weeks?
Has your world felt like its just all too much or too overwhelming?
Have you had headaches, earaches, backaches, or cramps that make you feel like you have eleven-year-old growing pains, again?
Going back to what even started me on this huge rant was my sleep patterns...sure, during puberty I had a case of insomnia, but why now? why so often? Has any one else's sleep schedule been making them an insomniac, or maybe some people have been oversleeping for no reason?
Not to sound like a total infomercial, but if any question hit home, perhaps it opens a door to a possibility that there will be a change in our evolution; perhaps we have not evolved to our full potential.
Id like to think that my personal aches and pains (that my doctor has not found any reason for) would be the result of an evolutionary shift.
If anyone has done research on DNA, they would probably find that weve got this 90% of DNA we dont really use, and no one could really figure out why we have it.
The crazy part, is that there are actually some people being born with a tri-helix, rather than a double.
In the fascinating series, Spirit Science: Patch Parables, in Jordan Ducgynzs video about DNA, he says:
As our knowledge evolves into the multi-dimensional spectrum, the understanding of structures of DNA will progressively advance.
All in all, to really just put my point down, no one is operating at their full potential on this planet,
and well
its sad.
We are missing out on a huge part of what life should be about.
We are not free anywhere,
people in our media are glorified for being greedy and mean.
People need to constantly be entertained by monotonous technology, when we could be using our resources to big about a change so we would not have to be slaves to the money-system.
Our consciousness is shifting right now;
I believe we are slowly coming into the Age of Aquarius,
where people can be congratulated for being different, instead of exploited.
A higher frequency simply means allowing
love and compassion
to rule over your ego and personal desires.
Think of how beautiful the world would be if we focused on loving each other, rather than killing each other. Im excited for this transforming planet;
Im excited for myself and
everyone reading this,
and everyone who believes me,
and doesn't believe me,
and people who feel different, and scared of this world,
to make this change with me.
We are all a part of one another, our frequencies will continue to rise whether or not you believe this.
I'm gunna go get some food.
That's a lot of reading. Interesting however. I think I need a nap now.