helo hello - so I haven't been on this site in quite some time now ... Honestly, I didn't even think I had a membership anymore. lol. Howeva, I've been using another site - more of a rating site, but it's still very personal and cool - so now I'll try to put a lot of the pics I have on there, here. So many...
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so do any of you girls like the new pic?

the pic is cute!
AND you like Dragonlance...

[Edited on Aug 11, 2003]

AND you like Dragonlance...

[Edited on Aug 11, 2003]
hey hey - so I haven't been around for a while. Got a girlfriend . . . kinda weird for me to say that. Haven't had one for about a year. Sure, I saw plenty of girls, but never called one my 'girlfriend'. que serra serra. I'm happy though. When we first said that we're going to have to refer to eachother in that way,...
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Hey, you're not the only one...I too am conditioned to find garters incredible sexy. Yay for girlfriends, I wish I had one too 

I'm so amped up lately! I lost my job (which kinda blows), but I've been snowboarding my ass of with all the extra time.
I'm so happy because I've found my groove and am becoming really, REALLY good. I know it won't be too much longer before I can go through the half-pipe and look like a tru pro
Later on all

Happy New Year!!!
Happy New Year!!!!
Happy New Year!!!!!
Happy New Year!!!!!!
kisses at midnight
and by the end on of the night, I'll be like this
aahhh, the power of alcohol
Happy New Year!!!!
Happy New Year!!!!!
Happy New Year!!!!!!

aahhh, the power of alcohol

Alright, check this thought out . . . I'm an agnostic, and I don't believe in anything having to do with the christian religion. However, I still celebrate christmas. Why's that? I do because it's a holiday that is nationally recognized (and because my family celebrates it). But just because I give gifts and eat christmas dinner and do whatever other merry, cherry junk is...
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well, however you feel about it, have a good one. *hugs*
hahaha... nice holiday rant! how about them apples indeed? anyway... have a good one.
*hugs and bacon*
*hugs and bacon*
this is my first day here, and I was so intrigued (and well, turned on
) by this site, that I had to join. I'm trying to make a website, so maybe I'll post that up soon, and anyone can learn all about me.

welcome, i hope you enjoy the site.
why thank you sir for the compliment