Guess who is back on SG?!
I had to disappear for a while to get some work done. I just wrapped up A Streetcar Named Desire, and while the ultimate product is just lovelythe process was one unholy beast.
The details are far too overwhelming to record here, but I will say that all of the problems I had working with this shop on the last show were still present.if not worse. I dont really mind if you suck at your job. I understand that to some extent we are all faking it to make it. However, I do think one should learn from their mistakes and actually give a damn about improving. The chick running this shop obviously doesnt and it really burst my balls to be picking up her slack. I wound up working three jobs while she sat around smoking, napping, dressing up like a fairy. (no, really)
But there are some upsides to this tale.
1. I lost 6 lbs. during tech week thanks to a rather limited diet of redbull and leftovers from the rehearsal hall.
2. I got offered the design for Brother Wolf. Its a world premiere and everyones excited and its kind of a big deal.
3. I got to see the envy in my old costume professors face when I told her I was slated for that gig.
4. I have been diligent in updating people about the problems in the shop. Because of this the Artistic Director is approaching the board about some sustainability issuesmostly a third position in the shop, an expanded maintenance budget, and developing an on-site mini-shop for load-in and tech and such.
5. But most importantly.During a night of heavy drinking and fierce karaoke, the Artistic Director asked me If we approached you sometime in the future with the offer to be Resident Designer/Costume Shop Manager, would you accept?
Securing this position would be a big deal for me. It would mean the end of this two job bullshit and the end of freelance work but I would still be able to design. The duel title isnt much of a big deal because I am already operating as the defacto Shop Manager and I know the work would be easier anyhow if I could really get in there to reorganize the place and set up some systems.
Still, this position means someone needs to either be removed from their position or outright fired.and this theatre has never fired anyone. There is also the board to contend with. And they dont exactly see the problem because they continue to see a finished product each time. I worry that they will not be willing to consider feeding the shops some more until a show actually doesnt make it to opening night. (Which I sure as shit will not let happen on one of my designs) Also, the shop manager is actually designing the next production. Its two-man period piece and they often let the staff design the small specialty shows. I fear that during this next period of respite the theatre might forget the sins of the past.which means we will have to get this ball rolling all over again. Fuckit. What happens, happens.
In Other News:
My roommate is moving out in a few days. She has decided that she doesnt want to play the responsible adult anymore and she is cashing in her cushy government job for something significantly less serious in Wilmington. I cant blame her much. I understand the adventure need and I certainly dont envy her current position as a case worker for a local politician. Still it leaves me in a bit of a lurch. I have a few folks who are moderately interested in the place. But moderately interested doesnt exactly pay the rent.
Doctors found a lump in my mothers breast. This is the third. Pretty much all of the women on my mothers side have died of breast cancer. She is scared and responding by placing herself in complete opposition to the world.especially mebecause I always represent the other to her. We have a tenuous relationship at best. Recently I have been working my ass off to improve things. But things change daily with her and this discovery has nullified any progress we have made. It blows.
I wore the most beautiful vintage gown to the opening night of the show. The chest area was a little tight, but it work to my advantage by allowing me to go braless and showcase some rather nice side cleavage. Unfortunately, my beloved but rather spastic wardrobe mistress hugged me so hard that she actually ripped the dress down the center and I had to finish the night with a safety pin just barely holding my mess together. Later that evening, the same girl spilt a full glass of wine down the front of my gown. I owe the gods of vintage a huge sacrifice for the abuses done to this dress.
There is a new girl at my day job. Shes cute, she defiantly falls in the alternative lifestyle category and I need a new distraction. I have been feasting on too much chopsteak lately.
That is all.
I had to disappear for a while to get some work done. I just wrapped up A Streetcar Named Desire, and while the ultimate product is just lovelythe process was one unholy beast.
The details are far too overwhelming to record here, but I will say that all of the problems I had working with this shop on the last show were still present.if not worse. I dont really mind if you suck at your job. I understand that to some extent we are all faking it to make it. However, I do think one should learn from their mistakes and actually give a damn about improving. The chick running this shop obviously doesnt and it really burst my balls to be picking up her slack. I wound up working three jobs while she sat around smoking, napping, dressing up like a fairy. (no, really)
But there are some upsides to this tale.
1. I lost 6 lbs. during tech week thanks to a rather limited diet of redbull and leftovers from the rehearsal hall.
2. I got offered the design for Brother Wolf. Its a world premiere and everyones excited and its kind of a big deal.
3. I got to see the envy in my old costume professors face when I told her I was slated for that gig.
4. I have been diligent in updating people about the problems in the shop. Because of this the Artistic Director is approaching the board about some sustainability issuesmostly a third position in the shop, an expanded maintenance budget, and developing an on-site mini-shop for load-in and tech and such.
5. But most importantly.During a night of heavy drinking and fierce karaoke, the Artistic Director asked me If we approached you sometime in the future with the offer to be Resident Designer/Costume Shop Manager, would you accept?
Securing this position would be a big deal for me. It would mean the end of this two job bullshit and the end of freelance work but I would still be able to design. The duel title isnt much of a big deal because I am already operating as the defacto Shop Manager and I know the work would be easier anyhow if I could really get in there to reorganize the place and set up some systems.
Still, this position means someone needs to either be removed from their position or outright fired.and this theatre has never fired anyone. There is also the board to contend with. And they dont exactly see the problem because they continue to see a finished product each time. I worry that they will not be willing to consider feeding the shops some more until a show actually doesnt make it to opening night. (Which I sure as shit will not let happen on one of my designs) Also, the shop manager is actually designing the next production. Its two-man period piece and they often let the staff design the small specialty shows. I fear that during this next period of respite the theatre might forget the sins of the past.which means we will have to get this ball rolling all over again. Fuckit. What happens, happens.
In Other News:
My roommate is moving out in a few days. She has decided that she doesnt want to play the responsible adult anymore and she is cashing in her cushy government job for something significantly less serious in Wilmington. I cant blame her much. I understand the adventure need and I certainly dont envy her current position as a case worker for a local politician. Still it leaves me in a bit of a lurch. I have a few folks who are moderately interested in the place. But moderately interested doesnt exactly pay the rent.
Doctors found a lump in my mothers breast. This is the third. Pretty much all of the women on my mothers side have died of breast cancer. She is scared and responding by placing herself in complete opposition to the world.especially mebecause I always represent the other to her. We have a tenuous relationship at best. Recently I have been working my ass off to improve things. But things change daily with her and this discovery has nullified any progress we have made. It blows.
I wore the most beautiful vintage gown to the opening night of the show. The chest area was a little tight, but it work to my advantage by allowing me to go braless and showcase some rather nice side cleavage. Unfortunately, my beloved but rather spastic wardrobe mistress hugged me so hard that she actually ripped the dress down the center and I had to finish the night with a safety pin just barely holding my mess together. Later that evening, the same girl spilt a full glass of wine down the front of my gown. I owe the gods of vintage a huge sacrifice for the abuses done to this dress.
There is a new girl at my day job. Shes cute, she defiantly falls in the alternative lifestyle category and I need a new distraction. I have been feasting on too much chopsteak lately.
That is all.
making people jelous of your skills is the best. Good luck with your new venture.
Welcome back you busy girl. Since you were a no show at Belle's b-day bash... I hope you'll make it to the "Welcome Steve Neurotic to NC" party in November. We miss you, ya goof!