I stood on the upper level of the club surveying the crowd. I saw her talking with friends - short blond hair, small eyes, strong athletic figure, and that undefinable sense of ease I always find so attractive. I knew without a doubt she was the type you would be terribly jelous of.
Then he slides up next to me, notices the object of my observations, and refers to her as his 'favorite lesbian'....the one he always watches during these weekly outings...the one 'the group' always watches. He tells me she is the one you feel most competative with here.
I get a wicked thought, and he sees it in my eyes and gives me a slight smile. I laugh at my ridiculosness and head downstairs. I catch her eye, I ask for a light, we flirt, we dance, and while she is terribly attractive......she's not nearly as lovely as the shade of green creeping across your face.
Oh....and you can blame
reversehalo for the following survey madness:
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
01. Name: The Kelsinator
02. Age: 22
03. Where do you live: NY, but soon to be NC
04. What makes you happy: Ballads, running around in the rain, beautiful women, hot tubs, sitting on the porch drinking jack daniel's and talking shit.
05. Fandoms/things you're geeky about: vintage couture...and alphabetically organized music collections
06. What have you been listening to lately: Ani's newest(cause I'm a glutton for punishment) and Hounddog Taylor and Go-Go music from the dc area.
07. Favourite film: I can't pick just one, but I saw Gone with the Wind on the Big Screen last night and it still doesn't suck.
08. Favourite band/singer: I like chick singers with high whiney voices and Bluesmen with a real rough and deep sound. Guess I'm into extremes
09. Interesting fact about you: I'm very interesting....but none of it is factual.
10. Are you in love at the moment: Working like a bitch to fall out of the mess.
11. Favourite destination: Anywhere I'm not
12. Favourite quote: "Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep." ~Scott Adams
13.When is your birthday: 5/8/82 That makes me a bull, so whatch yourself.
14.Will you post this in your journal/blog: Done.
Round Two:
1. If you died tomorrow who would you leave everything you own to?
I don't own much, and I don't have anyone in my family on or below my generational tier...so probably charity.
2. Who is the one person that you could stand spending a straight 24 hours with and not get the slightest bit annoyed with?
3. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would you change (personality and looks)?
I want to get stretched out by about two inches
4. What is the one thing you just have to do before you die?
I don't have to do shit and you can't make me.
5. If you won the lottery what would you do with your, let's say, 18 million dollars?
Invest half. Play with the rest.
6. What do you want people to say about you when you die?
"Fuck, now what are we gonna do on the weekends?"
7. How long does it take you to get ready to go out?
20 mins.
8. What would you like to be reincarnated as?
Joan Jett
9. Do you make fun of your friends?
Oh Yeah, But they know its all in love.
10. Do you enjoy talking to your self?
11. What's your biggest fear?
Turning into my mother
12. What would you have liked to be named? Never really thought about it
13. What's your most prized (material) possession?
Can't say I really refer to any of my possesions as 'prized'
14. What songs bring back the most memories?
Take it to Da House by Trick Daddy reminds me of Jen's smile
Caress me Down by Sublime reminds me of Thomas and his Trooper and snowball drivebys
'Perfect Gentleman" by Wyclef reminds me of Cana dancing in my backseat
15. What's the largest organ in the human body?
the ego?
16. Do you have a bar trick?
Yes, I meet her around midnight every wednessday.
17. Could a pack of wolves have done a better job raising you than your parents?
18. What do you look for in the opposite sex?
confidence, humor, warmth and emotional strength
19. If you were given one day to live what would you do?
Fuck and Fight
21. What's your best physical feature?
I keep getting compliments on my wrists which I thinkis a weird ass feature to be admiring.
22. What's your summer job?
Good Question
23. What was the worst punishment your parents inflicted?
I got thrown up agianst a wall once. But I deserved it.
24. What have you learned about love in the past year?
Everything I feared.
25. How have you changed in the past year?
Learned that any action is a good action. Gotta keep moving.
26. What's your way of escaping reality?
"I booze ugly, oh trust me"
27. What hair problems have you had?
I got a crazy cowlick up front. And I recently had green streaks, which I covered over with an auburn shade. Now the green is peeking back through a bit. I gotta go get my shit fixed.
28. Can you do anything related to gymnastics?
In my former life, I was a martial arts instructor and could do a full split with my feet positioned up on two chairs. I also used to be able to do all sorts of jumps and tumbles and dives and crazy shit that I just can't do anymore.
29. What is the most annoying thing that people tell you about you?
"Your too intemidating/independent for me to date"
30. Have you met any celebrities? Nope
P.S. I was trying to hand my girl a flower through the webcam in that pic.