Uhthanks to all you folks who commented to encourage my drinking. Way to go guys.
* I signed up for some figure drawing classes down on Spring Street. Woot!
* I met up with Shelia (my electrician friend) and she got me some free tickets to see Fat Pig over at the lortel. Afterwards, we went to dinner and discussed the performances (Ashlie Atkinson kicks all manner of ass) and the general lack of dramatic conflict in most of LaButes work. She hates it. I say hes fucking with the traditional arc and thats fine by me. Although, I had to admit I was left wanting by the shows close.
* I saw Being Julia this weekend too. Awesome film. Go see it. Its funnier than you think and Annette Bennings character turns out to be a wicked lil badass.
* I also went out last night with John and one of his friends. He really wanted to go to some terribly hedonistic gay boy bar in the east village. I went and it was.eh. I find people in that area have massive attitudes that enter the door six feet before their owner. Its like a gigantic force field of asshole that bumps and batters you around all night. Between the snubs and the comments and the dirty looks I was ready to throw out a little attitude of my own. Instead, I danced it off, zoned out on the midget porn on the screens and generally drank enough to forget that I was in a room full of really hateful ugly people. I recognized one of the guys there from the class I recently sat in on. We said our hellos and shot the shit a bit, its funny how you can keep running into folks in this town. At some point, Johns friend left us with this guy he had brought along. He was a nice enough guy, and he kept hanging on to me most of the night. Im not sure if it was because he was afraid of all the naked boys or he was digging on me, but I do remember stepping outside for a smoke and he followed me. It was snowing. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me back so that my weight was resting on him and we stayed like that, talking over my shoulder. Its been a while since someone held me like that. Its a very dominant posture and I have a habit of attracting people who would rather I function as the dominant personality. It was an interesting moment..its a shame he wasn't very bright. Example: later that evening we were sitting in a diner and John is telling a story about filling out his brothers college applications and it distills down in to a group question: Name one piece of art that has inspired you? Johns talking about this photograph that enraged him back in the day, and it sounds very similar to WeeGees stuff, so were bursting back and forth over the table when the poor soul interjects (I quote) The Sixteenth Chapel! (meaning Sistine) Its soyou knowif I had that over my bed, it would be awesome!
I smiled, trying my damndest not to be a judgmental asshole, then asked for the check.
"I'm for whatever gets you through the night.
Whether it's booze, broads, or pills." -Frank Sinatra

* I signed up for some figure drawing classes down on Spring Street. Woot!
* I met up with Shelia (my electrician friend) and she got me some free tickets to see Fat Pig over at the lortel. Afterwards, we went to dinner and discussed the performances (Ashlie Atkinson kicks all manner of ass) and the general lack of dramatic conflict in most of LaButes work. She hates it. I say hes fucking with the traditional arc and thats fine by me. Although, I had to admit I was left wanting by the shows close.
* I saw Being Julia this weekend too. Awesome film. Go see it. Its funnier than you think and Annette Bennings character turns out to be a wicked lil badass.
* I also went out last night with John and one of his friends. He really wanted to go to some terribly hedonistic gay boy bar in the east village. I went and it was.eh. I find people in that area have massive attitudes that enter the door six feet before their owner. Its like a gigantic force field of asshole that bumps and batters you around all night. Between the snubs and the comments and the dirty looks I was ready to throw out a little attitude of my own. Instead, I danced it off, zoned out on the midget porn on the screens and generally drank enough to forget that I was in a room full of really hateful ugly people. I recognized one of the guys there from the class I recently sat in on. We said our hellos and shot the shit a bit, its funny how you can keep running into folks in this town. At some point, Johns friend left us with this guy he had brought along. He was a nice enough guy, and he kept hanging on to me most of the night. Im not sure if it was because he was afraid of all the naked boys or he was digging on me, but I do remember stepping outside for a smoke and he followed me. It was snowing. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me back so that my weight was resting on him and we stayed like that, talking over my shoulder. Its been a while since someone held me like that. Its a very dominant posture and I have a habit of attracting people who would rather I function as the dominant personality. It was an interesting moment..its a shame he wasn't very bright. Example: later that evening we were sitting in a diner and John is telling a story about filling out his brothers college applications and it distills down in to a group question: Name one piece of art that has inspired you? Johns talking about this photograph that enraged him back in the day, and it sounds very similar to WeeGees stuff, so were bursting back and forth over the table when the poor soul interjects (I quote) The Sixteenth Chapel! (meaning Sistine) Its soyou knowif I had that over my bed, it would be awesome!
I smiled, trying my damndest not to be a judgmental asshole, then asked for the check.

"I'm for whatever gets you through the night.
Whether it's booze, broads, or pills." -Frank Sinatra
welcome to the female artists group. Feel free to chatter and start as many topics as you would like to.