*yawn* so fucking tired...but YAY it is the weekend! feel like i'm coming down with something so i'm going to go and kill it off well and good with alcimohol. i think drinks tonite and lots more drinks tomorrow will kill off whatever is attacking me. stupid attacking things.
have the moving thoughts running in my head once again. thinking of even heading to the sydney area instead of the brisbane area. i'm so undecided! dunno if i wanna move to a big city. a smaller yet better city/town than shithole rocky would be awesome. somewhere that isn't too hot but isn't too cold. nice days...and bla bla bla. wish i could make decisions and procrastinate (sp) so fucking much. oh the joys of undecidedness!!
well this weekend should be full of shinanigans lets hope! maybe i might get lucky...BAAAHAHAHAHA. if only rocky boys weren't so shallow. meh.
take it easy kiddies!

have the moving thoughts running in my head once again. thinking of even heading to the sydney area instead of the brisbane area. i'm so undecided! dunno if i wanna move to a big city. a smaller yet better city/town than shithole rocky would be awesome. somewhere that isn't too hot but isn't too cold. nice days...and bla bla bla. wish i could make decisions and procrastinate (sp) so fucking much. oh the joys of undecidedness!!
well this weekend should be full of shinanigans lets hope! maybe i might get lucky...BAAAHAHAHAHA. if only rocky boys weren't so shallow. meh.
take it easy kiddies!
come to sydney!!!! i will make you banana and cheese melts! promise

yay!! i forgot to say that i love the new profile pic