hhrrrmmm not much to update reaaalllyyy.
NZ trip still looking shaky. just going to go with the flow for a while and see if i can do it. have a strange feeling i won't be able to but i guess that is what happens when it is a spontaneous thing. not going to book anything until i know for sure if i can or can't do it. i take the risk of the tickets being more expensive but it is a risk i have to take. i'm getting to the point now that i don't care about money and just want to live. sometimes a good attitude and sometimes a bad one.
i could always wait until next year and go with my sister, save a heap and stay for a few weeks. i dunno...maybe i should do that. i just don't know. i want to go now with people who have travelled, however the idea for going longer with my sister and having the money to spend is also enticing. i just don't know.
sick of work...sick of rocky...sick of my family...sick of rejection. need a new job....need to move....need to reach my goals and feel better about being me.
on a brighter note...i got a SG tee today thanks to someone....w00t!! plus undies and a cd...YAY. oh how much excitement it is to see a parcel waiting..hehehe.
back at the gym and eating better again. went down hill there for a while and hadn't been to the gym nor been eating too good (not bad but not great). so trying again to get to my goal. one baby step at a time. hopefully i can keep it going this time
well that was longer than i thought. hope you are all well and *hugs* to most.
NZ trip still looking shaky. just going to go with the flow for a while and see if i can do it. have a strange feeling i won't be able to but i guess that is what happens when it is a spontaneous thing. not going to book anything until i know for sure if i can or can't do it. i take the risk of the tickets being more expensive but it is a risk i have to take. i'm getting to the point now that i don't care about money and just want to live. sometimes a good attitude and sometimes a bad one.
i could always wait until next year and go with my sister, save a heap and stay for a few weeks. i dunno...maybe i should do that. i just don't know. i want to go now with people who have travelled, however the idea for going longer with my sister and having the money to spend is also enticing. i just don't know.
sick of work...sick of rocky...sick of my family...sick of rejection. need a new job....need to move....need to reach my goals and feel better about being me.
on a brighter note...i got a SG tee today thanks to someone....w00t!! plus undies and a cd...YAY. oh how much excitement it is to see a parcel waiting..hehehe.

back at the gym and eating better again. went down hill there for a while and hadn't been to the gym nor been eating too good (not bad but not great). so trying again to get to my goal. one baby step at a time. hopefully i can keep it going this time

well that was longer than i thought. hope you are all well and *hugs* to most.
now for the following mc lurches rebuttle:
"We here at mc lurches are most disturbed by what you have brought to out attention. we have some idea who the culprit is and shall be repremanding them in the most severe fashion. we would like to offer you a lifetime free membership, which allows you free burgers, drinks, fries and desserts, for yourself and one friend. we also offer you the use of the private party room reserved for famous people and special vip's whole enjoy eating there burgers in peace and serenity. we hope you find this action to your liking and once again apologise for such an unfortunate accident happening to such a valued customer as yourself."
so with that in mind i think you should now be a happy lass. i am actually put in a good mood every time i read your reply and like you have to re read just to make sure i haven't missed anything.
yeah i'll give you that. i suppose that is why i do the things i do. i go to places where the is little chance of anything happening because in its own way that is more comfortable than knowing in hindsight that this girl had been wanting more than just nothing. but this is my problem, and in my own way i am rectifying it. slowly but surely. i don't hate women they just baffle me, but then i think that is one of the best things about them in some ways.
and you did mention a list of people you said you must meet. and fyi i am actually a shift worker on a rotating roster so i have days off all over the place. i love having the week off and working the weekend. i wouldn't mind one night off on a weekend but the rest of it i'd be willing to work. oh and i decided that i want something better than