damn got a phone call today from the place i'm getting my dress from for the ball this sunday and it won't be ready til Friday. talk about leaving it til the last minute! shit i hope it will be ready.
am home today...with a sore back and feeling icky in the belly
got home yesterday and my back was sore...but as the nite went on got worse and worse to the point i cld hardly walk. woke up this morning with it just as sore...went to work for about an hour and came home, drugged up and let my heat pack hug my back and make it better. i never have a sore back so this is an unusual pain to me...very unknown. damn back.
as usual coming back from brisbane makes me want to be there all that much more. found out last nite that the chick that is the "controller" of the share house i've just moved into is now fucking looking at buying a house. and if she buys it and moves out the landlords are going to put it through a real estate. good for her and shit...but fuck me...i only just moved in. so annoying and frustrating. oh well gotta remember i'm not going to be hanging around much longer.
oh yeh got an interview thursday for another job with the Uni. just an internal secondment til next year or something but sounds a lot more exciting that what i am doing now...hehehe
laters babes
on a website that i created AGES ago and haven't really updated much since i started here, i began a section called "let me complain". this section is exactly pretty much what the title says. every now and then i add little bits about things that really get to me or just piss me right off. so i thought i'd start to share a few. some have more than one part to them...others don't. i will dump these at the bottom of my oh so normal upbeat entries...
Eating....why do people have to be so fucking noisy. I can't stand having a "family" meal....especially when you have someone who breaths so heavily...and eats so fucking loudly. Why do we even have to sit at the table...because it is "proper"....well fuck that. At least if we ate in the lounge room, I could sit further away and not have to put up with your continual noises...
am home today...with a sore back and feeling icky in the belly

as usual coming back from brisbane makes me want to be there all that much more. found out last nite that the chick that is the "controller" of the share house i've just moved into is now fucking looking at buying a house. and if she buys it and moves out the landlords are going to put it through a real estate. good for her and shit...but fuck me...i only just moved in. so annoying and frustrating. oh well gotta remember i'm not going to be hanging around much longer.
oh yeh got an interview thursday for another job with the Uni. just an internal secondment til next year or something but sounds a lot more exciting that what i am doing now...hehehe

laters babes
on a website that i created AGES ago and haven't really updated much since i started here, i began a section called "let me complain". this section is exactly pretty much what the title says. every now and then i add little bits about things that really get to me or just piss me right off. so i thought i'd start to share a few. some have more than one part to them...others don't. i will dump these at the bottom of my oh so normal upbeat entries...
Eating....why do people have to be so fucking noisy. I can't stand having a "family" meal....especially when you have someone who breaths so heavily...and eats so fucking loudly. Why do we even have to sit at the table...because it is "proper"....well fuck that. At least if we ate in the lounge room, I could sit further away and not have to put up with your continual noises...
dude..you should listen to cam eat...its insane.....i cant stay in the same room sometimes..i think its the fundamental hand/mouth/breathing coordination he has problems with..lol..
yeah, sore backs suck. I hate noisy eaters as well. i broke up with a girl once over that!