i was definately a good girl yesterday
i went and donated blood for the very first time! i hate needles and will do anything to get out of having a needle but i still made myself go and give blood. it was really weird watching it come out...thinking...man that is what is inside of me. kinda spooky when i think about it. was pretty woozy afterwards and nearly fell down the stairs when i left...hehehehe. today i was shattered as well...which the nurses said i probably would be being my first time. but i feel very good that i did it and will be going back again.
not long now til my weekend in brisbane! gunna totally rock getting out of rocky again! however being in this new house with people has really made me feel a little different about being here. having people around me even tho they aren't my friends seems to be helping. i am a lot happier and actually notice that i do go out a fair bit...more than i thought. but so far really enjoying being in a share house. little things are starting to bug me with one of the people who doesn't seem to really contribute to much...but...i'm totally not gunna stress about it. that just causes tension and i couldn't be bothered with that at the moment.
oh oh oh...some AWESOME news i found out yesterday that i can get my dress altered for the ball i'm going to not this weekend but next weekend! totally and utterly excited that i get to dress up. i'm normally not a girlie girl but sometimes...you got to let your girliness out! i can't remember if i described my dress but it is a two piece strapless. black A-line satin skirt with a black and white vertical striped boddice. hopefully it is gunna look nice
am excited....tee hee
well today is the first day of winter "officially". and hopefully the first day of a new start to everything. my plans of getting to where i want to be as in my appearance just hasn't even started to happen yet. am still going to the gym however just not enough to actually do anything. i need to kick it up to 4 or 5 times a week and actually start going for a walk in the morning. in myself i want to do this...but just somehow i never seem to succeed. i'm so determined to do it...and...i am hoping...that i will. so today is the day i change my life forever....i hope.
take care my sweets and hope everyone in sgland are having a great time and enjoying life!

not long now til my weekend in brisbane! gunna totally rock getting out of rocky again! however being in this new house with people has really made me feel a little different about being here. having people around me even tho they aren't my friends seems to be helping. i am a lot happier and actually notice that i do go out a fair bit...more than i thought. but so far really enjoying being in a share house. little things are starting to bug me with one of the people who doesn't seem to really contribute to much...but...i'm totally not gunna stress about it. that just causes tension and i couldn't be bothered with that at the moment.
oh oh oh...some AWESOME news i found out yesterday that i can get my dress altered for the ball i'm going to not this weekend but next weekend! totally and utterly excited that i get to dress up. i'm normally not a girlie girl but sometimes...you got to let your girliness out! i can't remember if i described my dress but it is a two piece strapless. black A-line satin skirt with a black and white vertical striped boddice. hopefully it is gunna look nice

well today is the first day of winter "officially". and hopefully the first day of a new start to everything. my plans of getting to where i want to be as in my appearance just hasn't even started to happen yet. am still going to the gym however just not enough to actually do anything. i need to kick it up to 4 or 5 times a week and actually start going for a walk in the morning. in myself i want to do this...but just somehow i never seem to succeed. i'm so determined to do it...and...i am hoping...that i will. so today is the day i change my life forever....i hope.
take care my sweets and hope everyone in sgland are having a great time and enjoying life!

hope you had a good trip home