today was a pretty good day at work. nothing to do, very quiet and got to do some personal stuff. as much as i hate being bored at work sometimes these days ROCK! oh and red bull is dangerous i tells you! i had one this afternoon cause i was so tired and needed a pick me up...and tonite i was bouncing off the walls. i have had them before but damn there must have been some good shit in that one...tee hee.
got the new 'system of a down' cd the other day and man it rocks! i also got given some static-x cd's a few weeks ago as well and they rock just as hard. i'm really back into music at the moment....just rocking away listening to it in my room. and now with ipod i can turn it up as loud as i want and rock in my own little world...hehehe.
am really looking forward to this weekend away. it is about the time i need to get out of rocky again. hopefully it should be a rockin nite catching up with the brissy crew. plus meeting a few people that i haven't met yet as well...very awesome
gunna shop up a storm as well! i have a few things i have been wanting to buy for a while and now i can afford it i'm so going to buy them! new "jesus" shoes for one! i've had mine for about 8-9 years now...and they are only just now starting to get dodge. however they won't be chucked until they absolutely fall apart. oh it is going to be hard the day i have to throw them away...many good times were had in those shoes and were given to me by a very special person as well...gunna break my little heart
damn i need to calm down. i'm so hyper! i need to go for a run or a walk or something...anything...need to get rid of my energy. hrrrrmmmm....
got the new 'system of a down' cd the other day and man it rocks! i also got given some static-x cd's a few weeks ago as well and they rock just as hard. i'm really back into music at the moment....just rocking away listening to it in my room. and now with ipod i can turn it up as loud as i want and rock in my own little world...hehehe.
am really looking forward to this weekend away. it is about the time i need to get out of rocky again. hopefully it should be a rockin nite catching up with the brissy crew. plus meeting a few people that i haven't met yet as well...very awesome

gunna shop up a storm as well! i have a few things i have been wanting to buy for a while and now i can afford it i'm so going to buy them! new "jesus" shoes for one! i've had mine for about 8-9 years now...and they are only just now starting to get dodge. however they won't be chucked until they absolutely fall apart. oh it is going to be hard the day i have to throw them away...many good times were had in those shoes and were given to me by a very special person as well...gunna break my little heart

damn i need to calm down. i'm so hyper! i need to go for a run or a walk or something...anything...need to get rid of my energy. hrrrrmmmm....

Out with the old, in with the new ! It's not a bad thing clearing up clutter - Hope all is well with you and that you get more outlets for your energy rush!
yeah but most of my avoiding sgland is due to a dial up connection that drives me up the wall