i can't believe i'm doing this!
*Time started: 5:59pm
*Name: Kirstin
*Nickname: Kirst
*Single or Taken: single....of course...what else would i be!
*Sex: girl
*Birthday: 8 March
*Sign: pieces (fishes...swim swim swim)
*Siblings: 1 sister
*Hair color: current black...natural blonde (hard to believe but true!)
*Eye colour: hazel
*Shoe size: eerrrmmm....8 or 9 depends what kinda shoe
*Height: shit...uumm...i dunno...uumm... 164cm so whatever that is in foot and inches...
*Innie or Outie: innie of course
*What are you wearing right now: black shirt and carkee green pants...
*Where do you live: rockhampton ... bleh bleh bleh
*Righty or lefty: righty...but i do some things with my left hand...sometimes...
*Who are your closest friends?: i don't really have close friends...
*Best place to go for a date: dunno never been on a date...but i'd say somewhere hella fun
~Fashion Stuff~
*Where is your fav place to shop: i haven't found one yet...but i'm thinking it could be scarab (sp) in brisbane...
*Do you have any tattoos or piercings?piercings...tats to come
*Color: black...silver...blue...
*Number(s): 8 and not cause it is my birthdate
*Food: potato bake...mmmmm...mmmmm...
*Boys name: angus
*Girls name: dunno can't choose just one.
*Subject in school: shorthand
*Animal: dogs...definately dogs...oh and fishies...
*Drink: uuummm....hhrrmmm....don't really have a fav. maybe coffee milk
*Celebrity: none...i take no notice of them
*Sport: none really. i guess i like tennis, swimming...uumm....hhmmm...dunno.
*Veggie: mash tato
*Fruit: grapes...definately grapes...
*Fast food place: suzies takeaway chinese...malaysian place at uni
*Place to visit: hhrrmm..i haven't travelled so dunno. brisbane i guess cause that is the only place i wanna go right now. but i'd love to go to englad, scotland, ireland, france, the uk area...stuff like that.
*Month: november
*Juice: pineapple
*Finger: index finger is my favourite
*Ice Cream: lemon sorbet
*Breakfast: hhhmmm....dunno...don't really have a fav. maybe pancakes.
*Perfume/Cologne:</i> perfume
*Given anyone a bath: oh yeh
*Smoked: unfortunately yes...and in secret
*Bungee jumped: i'm scared of heights so nope...but i wanna.
*Broken the law: hehehe...hell yes!
*Made yourself throw-up: yep cause you feel so much better after you do when you really feel like you need to
*Gone skinny dipping: nope but i wanna...wld be fun
*Been in the opposite sex's bathroom: hhmmm i don't think so
*Eaten a dog biscuit: no but i've eaten a cat biscuit
*Put your tongue on a frozen pole: nope...never been somewhere that cold
*Loved someone that made you cry?: hell yes
*Played truth or dare: of course
*Been in a physical fight: kinda i guess....
*Been in a police car: nope but been chased by one...hehehe
*Been on a plane: yep all the time
*Been in a sauna: nope
*Been in a hot tub: yup...and they aren't all that they cracked up to be
*Swam in the ocean: of course
*Fallen asleep in school: ha ha ...no
*Ever had a sex dream: oohhh yeh..
*Broken someone's heart: don't think so...maybe i did a little...
*Cried when someone died: not really...i just got angry
*Flashed someone: hehehe....yep
*Lied: uhuh
*Laughed so hard you fell off your chair: yep and i think i also peed my pants....lmao
*Sat by the phone all night waiting for a call: definately
*Saved e-mails: yep
*Wished you were a member of the opposite sex: sometimes...but then i remember of all the more fun things i can do
*Made out with JUST a friend?: definately
*Been rejected? that is my life
*Been in love? yes and only once so far
*Used someone: yep...but i'm mainly the one being used...
*Been cheated on? yep which sucks
*Done something you regret? a lot of things...but...i was stupid
First Thing That Comes to Mind
*Red: heart
*Blue: ice
*Happy: smile
*Autumn: brown
*Cow: moo
*Greenland: grass
*Your good luck charm: nah don't got one
*Stupidest thing you have ever done: don't wanna say
*Your crush: i have 2...a guy at work (have no chance with) and another guy who i have no chance with
*Your most prized possession: uuummm.....i'm sure i have one but can't think of it right now
*Last thing you ate: breakfast
*Fave song: atm don't have one...i have heaps of different ones
*Thing that has happened to you this year: finding myself
Have You Ever Had
*Chicken pox: yuhuh
*Sore Throat: yep but don't get them a lot
*Cold: yep got one now and wish it wld go away
*Stitches: nope but i've had staples in my chin cause apparently they don't scar...so makes me wonder what this scar is on my chin
*Bloody nose: yep when my sister smacked me in the face
*Crabs: hell no!
Do you
*Believe in love at first sight: definately..
*Enjoy parks: themeparks? oh yeh...wanna go to dreamworld again!
*Like picnics: definately
*Like school: wish i cld do it over again and change a few things...
*What schools have you gone to: warraburra primary school, toowoomba east primary school, clinton state school, rockhampton high school
*Hate anyone: yep
*Who: does it matter
*Who is the last person that called you: my step-dad
*Makes you laugh the most: haven't found anyone yet
*Makes you smile: a few people
*Can make you feel better no matter what: mon..most of the time
*Was the last person you touched? uuummm.....myself
*You talked to last: my step-dad
*You hugged?: my mum yesterday
*Massaged: can't remember
*You Kissed?: a guy i know
*You yelled at: my mum
Do You/Are You
*Do you like yourself: sometimes
*Do you get along with your family: sorta
*Do you do drugs: nope
*Color your hair?: uhuh
*Piercings below the waist?: nope but i'm gunna
*Habla espanol: *blank look*
*Stolen anything ever? hehehe...yeh street signs....but got caught...
*Obsessive: yep and i need to fix that
*Compulsive: once again need to fix that
*Anorexic: hell no
*Depressed? sometimes
*Suicidal?: was once...
*what time is it now?: eermmm 6:21pm
*Time started: 5:59pm
*Name: Kirstin
*Nickname: Kirst
*Single or Taken: single....of course...what else would i be!
*Sex: girl
*Birthday: 8 March
*Sign: pieces (fishes...swim swim swim)
*Siblings: 1 sister
*Hair color: current black...natural blonde (hard to believe but true!)
*Eye colour: hazel
*Shoe size: eerrrmmm....8 or 9 depends what kinda shoe
*Height: shit...uumm...i dunno...uumm... 164cm so whatever that is in foot and inches...
*Innie or Outie: innie of course
*What are you wearing right now: black shirt and carkee green pants...
*Where do you live: rockhampton ... bleh bleh bleh
*Righty or lefty: righty...but i do some things with my left hand...sometimes...
*Who are your closest friends?: i don't really have close friends...
*Best place to go for a date: dunno never been on a date...but i'd say somewhere hella fun
~Fashion Stuff~
*Where is your fav place to shop: i haven't found one yet...but i'm thinking it could be scarab (sp) in brisbane...
*Do you have any tattoos or piercings?piercings...tats to come
*Color: black...silver...blue...
*Number(s): 8 and not cause it is my birthdate
*Food: potato bake...mmmmm...mmmmm...
*Boys name: angus
*Girls name: dunno can't choose just one.
*Subject in school: shorthand
*Animal: dogs...definately dogs...oh and fishies...
*Drink: uuummm....hhrrmmm....don't really have a fav. maybe coffee milk
*Celebrity: none...i take no notice of them
*Sport: none really. i guess i like tennis, swimming...uumm....hhmmm...dunno.
*Veggie: mash tato
*Fruit: grapes...definately grapes...
*Fast food place: suzies takeaway chinese...malaysian place at uni
*Place to visit: hhrrmm..i haven't travelled so dunno. brisbane i guess cause that is the only place i wanna go right now. but i'd love to go to englad, scotland, ireland, france, the uk area...stuff like that.
*Month: november
*Juice: pineapple
*Finger: index finger is my favourite
*Ice Cream: lemon sorbet
*Breakfast: hhhmmm....dunno...don't really have a fav. maybe pancakes.
*Perfume/Cologne:</i> perfume
*Given anyone a bath: oh yeh

*Smoked: unfortunately yes...and in secret

*Bungee jumped: i'm scared of heights so nope...but i wanna.
*Broken the law: hehehe...hell yes!
*Made yourself throw-up: yep cause you feel so much better after you do when you really feel like you need to
*Gone skinny dipping: nope but i wanna...wld be fun

*Been in the opposite sex's bathroom: hhmmm i don't think so
*Eaten a dog biscuit: no but i've eaten a cat biscuit
*Put your tongue on a frozen pole: nope...never been somewhere that cold
*Loved someone that made you cry?: hell yes
*Played truth or dare: of course
*Been in a physical fight: kinda i guess....
*Been in a police car: nope but been chased by one...hehehe
*Been on a plane: yep all the time
*Been in a sauna: nope
*Been in a hot tub: yup...and they aren't all that they cracked up to be
*Swam in the ocean: of course
*Fallen asleep in school: ha ha ...no
*Ever had a sex dream: oohhh yeh..
*Broken someone's heart: don't think so...maybe i did a little...
*Cried when someone died: not really...i just got angry
*Flashed someone: hehehe....yep
*Lied: uhuh
*Laughed so hard you fell off your chair: yep and i think i also peed my pants....lmao
*Sat by the phone all night waiting for a call: definately
*Saved e-mails: yep
*Wished you were a member of the opposite sex: sometimes...but then i remember of all the more fun things i can do

*Made out with JUST a friend?: definately
*Been rejected? that is my life
*Been in love? yes and only once so far
*Used someone: yep...but i'm mainly the one being used...
*Been cheated on? yep which sucks
*Done something you regret? a lot of things...but...i was stupid
First Thing That Comes to Mind
*Red: heart
*Blue: ice
*Happy: smile
*Autumn: brown
*Cow: moo
*Greenland: grass
*Your good luck charm: nah don't got one
*Stupidest thing you have ever done: don't wanna say
*Your crush: i have 2...a guy at work (have no chance with) and another guy who i have no chance with
*Your most prized possession: uuummm.....i'm sure i have one but can't think of it right now
*Last thing you ate: breakfast
*Fave song: atm don't have one...i have heaps of different ones
*Thing that has happened to you this year: finding myself
Have You Ever Had
*Chicken pox: yuhuh
*Sore Throat: yep but don't get them a lot
*Cold: yep got one now and wish it wld go away
*Stitches: nope but i've had staples in my chin cause apparently they don't scar...so makes me wonder what this scar is on my chin
*Bloody nose: yep when my sister smacked me in the face
*Crabs: hell no!
Do you
*Believe in love at first sight: definately..
*Enjoy parks: themeparks? oh yeh...wanna go to dreamworld again!
*Like picnics: definately
*Like school: wish i cld do it over again and change a few things...
*What schools have you gone to: warraburra primary school, toowoomba east primary school, clinton state school, rockhampton high school
*Hate anyone: yep
*Who: does it matter
*Who is the last person that called you: my step-dad
*Makes you laugh the most: haven't found anyone yet
*Makes you smile: a few people
*Can make you feel better no matter what: mon..most of the time
*Was the last person you touched? uuummm.....myself
*You talked to last: my step-dad
*You hugged?: my mum yesterday
*Massaged: can't remember
*You Kissed?: a guy i know
*You yelled at: my mum
Do You/Are You
*Do you like yourself: sometimes
*Do you get along with your family: sorta
*Do you do drugs: nope
*Color your hair?: uhuh
*Piercings below the waist?: nope but i'm gunna
*Habla espanol: *blank look*
*Stolen anything ever? hehehe...yeh street signs....but got caught...
*Obsessive: yep and i need to fix that
*Compulsive: once again need to fix that
*Anorexic: hell no
*Depressed? sometimes
*Suicidal?: was once...
*what time is it now?: eermmm 6:21pm
*Name: Rebekah
*Nickname: Contessa Katharina
*Single or Taken: taken
*Sex: lady
*Birthday: 2 Oct
*Sign: Libra - balance in the quest of the perfect partnership
*Siblings: brother - 4 half sisters, 1 deceased
*Hair color:dark brown, some silver
*Eye colour: blue
*Shoe size: 7.5
*Height: 158cm
*Innie or Outie: Innie
*What are you wearing right now: Blue singlet, black daggy pants (been cleaning)
*Where do you live: Sydney
*Righty or lefty: righty...
*Who are your closest friends? My trio of girlfriends, who have been with me for nearly 20 years, My Blithe, My new Man
*Best place to go for a date: Ban Thai Enmore
~Fashion Stuff~
*Where is your fav place to shop: Sarah Jane
*Do you have any tattoos or piercings? ears pierced, one tattoo on right upper arm, one on the way, lower back
*Color: black, purple, deep blood red
*Number(s): 9
*Food: Chocolate
*Boys name: Handel
*Girls name: Jacqueline
*Subject in school: French, Latin, German and English
*Animal: Kitty
*Drink: Red wine, whisky and vodka - champagne - ok - I'm a drunk
*Celebrity: Angelina Jolie
*Sport: Swimming
*Veggie: asparagus
*Fruit: Berries
*Fast food place: Sushi Train
*Place to visit: Italy, France
*Month: October
*Juice: Everything exept celery
*Finger: Huh?
*Ice Cream: Chocolate mud
*Breakfast: eggs benedict (smoked salmon)
*Perfume/Cologne: Gaultier classique, Chanel 5
*Given anyone a bath: Yeah
*Smoked: yes but not anymore cept the occasional joint
*Bungee jumped: no
*Broken the law: drove unregistered and got caught and got off
*Made yourself throw-up: never had to
*Gone skinny dipping: Yup
*Been in the opposite sex's bathroom: Yes
*Eaten a dog biscuit: no
*Put your tongue on a frozen pole: huh? icy pole maybe
*Loved someone that made you cry?: yes
*Played truth or dare: yes
*Been in a physical fight: yes
*Been in a police car: no
*Been on a plane: routinely
*Been in a sauna: yup
*Been in a hot tub: Yessssssssss
*Swam in the ocean: yup
*Fallen asleep in school: yeah...nanna naps
*Ever had a sex dream: always and still do
*Broken someone's heart: I reckon so
*Cried when someone died: yeah
*Flashed someone: yes
*Lied: of course
*Laughed so hard you fell off your chair: yes
*Sat by the phone all night waiting for a call: yup
*Saved e-mails: yes
*Wished you were a member of the opposite sex: not really - have strap on
*Made out with JUST a friend?: yes
*Been rejected? sadly, yes
*Been in love? yes, now
*Used someone: once
*Been cheated on? fuck yeah...and he is gettin his karma
*Done something you regret? yes - don't you love life lessons?
First Thing That Comes to Mind
*Red: Lipstick
*Blue: mood
*Happy: my man
*Cow: moo
*Greenland: cheese (soft)
*Your good luck charm: my pentagram
*Stupidest thing you have ever done: drove unregistered and got caught
*Your crush: Handel
*Your most prized possession: Saffi, my cat - but she actually owns me
*Last thing you ate: canole
*Fave song: It's only the beginning...Deb Conway
*Thing that has happened to you this year: Divorce, Falling in love again -
Have You Ever Had
*Chicken pox: yes
*Sore Throat: of course
*Cold: ditto
*Stitches: I have scars a plenty
*Bloody nose: coupla times
*Crabs: so not
Do you
*Believe in love at first sight: yes - been - twice
*Enjoy parks: yes, picnics
*Like picnics: see above
*Like school: yeah
*What schools have you gone to: 4
*Hate anyone: no
*Who is the last person that called you: my adpoted daughter Tish
*Makes you laugh the most: Handel
*Makes you smile: almost everyone
*Can make you feel better no matter what: my cat
*Was the last person you touched? my b/f
*You talked to last: my gf
*You hugged?: my bf
*Massaged: my bf
*You Kissed?:my bf
*You yelled at: can't remember, its rare
Do You/Are You
*Do you like yourself: Yes mostly
*Do you get along with your family: most of the time
*Do you do drugs: only pot couple a times a year
*Color your hair?: yes
*Piercings below the waist?: wanna
*Habla espanol: neh
*Stolen anything ever? nope
*Obsessive: oooh yeah
*Compulsive: oooh yeah
*Anorexic: nope
*Depressed?sometimes - damned mood disorders
*Suicidal?: yes
*what time is it now? 3:52pm
yeah i was there about two weeks ago. doin okay now me thinks. seems to be tha false hope of megan, but false hope is okay as long as u know its false.