damn i hate being sick. feeling much better now which is good
so thought i'd do a proper update as to the camping adventure!
this weekend consisted of camping at Stoney Creek which is about an hour and a half drive out of Rocky along the coast and then in a bit (i'm good at directions...hehehe). It is in Byfield pretty much. mum and i drove our way up their saturday afternoon in the van lugging a trailer load of camping crap along a bumpy arse dirt road. my step dad and sister had to work saturday so basically it was up to mum and i to put up the tents and set up camp. we thought it wld be easy...at the time..hehehe. we got there and started to put up tents. we put up the first tent easy peasy...a little dome tent...doesn't take much to put up...but when we got round to putting up the big one...holy crap...now that was just a feat we could not manage. this tent is 20 years old so it is one of the ones where instead of just flipping out the sticks...you gotta jam them together ensuring to put the right on into the other one. pretty much we gave up and went to look for wood...only to discover there was none...none at all! a camp grounds with no wood...very very strange.
so...we came back from our walk for looking for wood...looked at the tent we'd lay'd on the ground...looked at each other and said fuck it. waited til my sis and step dad came and put it up in the dark! hehehe...at least we got one up though. our campsite looked like this the next day...all finished and nice
a few highlights of the weekend was my sister and her dress code for camping. my sister pretty much doesn't camp. she didn't realise until she got there that there were no showers. the shower was the fresh water creek...which at this time of year is pretty damn cold. she was happy however that there were flush toliets. i dunno what she would have done if we had to dig a hole for a toliet. i think she would have walked home...lol. here is a pic of us (me, my sis and step dad) cooking marshmellows. 1. notice what my sister is wearing...the big WHITE coat...and 2. notice the look of discust on her face. soooo funny!
we ended up getting a fairly decent fire happening the first nite with what little wood we had. i have now idea how i took this pic of the first but thought it looked pretty cool.
hhhmmm...what else happened. we went for a long arse walk sunday. we were suppose to take the short track...but my stepdad took a wrong turn leading us down a track that took 2 hours to walk! was pretty good tho cause we ended up seeing bits of stoney we haven't seen before. we sooo good to get back to camp tho. here are a couple of pics i took at freemans crossing. pretty much it is identical to where we were camping...but there was just more man made pretty stuff around it. i like this a lot better as it looks so natural.
the water was so clear it was amazing. when we went for a swim you could see the bottom of the creek...so beautiful!
lots of stone's...hence why it is called stoney creek
a pic that i took close up of the running water...you can kinda get the idea...kinda...hehehe.
hhhmmm...what else. we had my stepdads daughter, her husband and cutey pie girls come up on sunday. the girls are soooo cute. we took them for a walk...and let them paddle in the water...was pretty fun. there is nothing like spending an afternoon with little kids
sunday nite we cooked a huge roast in the camp oven with damper and roast veges! and of course toasted some marshmellows. the funniest thing was my mum catching her shoe on fire from the candle that was under her seat. was so fucking funny! i wish i had of taken a pic of her running around like a mad woman trying to put her shoe out...lol.
i'm sure there are probably heaps of other funny things that happened...but they totally slip my mind. my sister does so many stupid things that they all meld into one after a while. anyways that was my weekend. very relaxing and beautiful. the stars at nite were just stunning. so wish i cld have taken a photo of them as well. definately going to go camping again soon. there is nothing like being out in the bush with no modern cons...sitting around a camp fire doing nothing. it is so peaceful

this weekend consisted of camping at Stoney Creek which is about an hour and a half drive out of Rocky along the coast and then in a bit (i'm good at directions...hehehe). It is in Byfield pretty much. mum and i drove our way up their saturday afternoon in the van lugging a trailer load of camping crap along a bumpy arse dirt road. my step dad and sister had to work saturday so basically it was up to mum and i to put up the tents and set up camp. we thought it wld be easy...at the time..hehehe. we got there and started to put up tents. we put up the first tent easy peasy...a little dome tent...doesn't take much to put up...but when we got round to putting up the big one...holy crap...now that was just a feat we could not manage. this tent is 20 years old so it is one of the ones where instead of just flipping out the sticks...you gotta jam them together ensuring to put the right on into the other one. pretty much we gave up and went to look for wood...only to discover there was none...none at all! a camp grounds with no wood...very very strange.
so...we came back from our walk for looking for wood...looked at the tent we'd lay'd on the ground...looked at each other and said fuck it. waited til my sis and step dad came and put it up in the dark! hehehe...at least we got one up though. our campsite looked like this the next day...all finished and nice

a few highlights of the weekend was my sister and her dress code for camping. my sister pretty much doesn't camp. she didn't realise until she got there that there were no showers. the shower was the fresh water creek...which at this time of year is pretty damn cold. she was happy however that there were flush toliets. i dunno what she would have done if we had to dig a hole for a toliet. i think she would have walked home...lol. here is a pic of us (me, my sis and step dad) cooking marshmellows. 1. notice what my sister is wearing...the big WHITE coat...and 2. notice the look of discust on her face. soooo funny!

we ended up getting a fairly decent fire happening the first nite with what little wood we had. i have now idea how i took this pic of the first but thought it looked pretty cool.

hhhmmm...what else happened. we went for a long arse walk sunday. we were suppose to take the short track...but my stepdad took a wrong turn leading us down a track that took 2 hours to walk! was pretty good tho cause we ended up seeing bits of stoney we haven't seen before. we sooo good to get back to camp tho. here are a couple of pics i took at freemans crossing. pretty much it is identical to where we were camping...but there was just more man made pretty stuff around it. i like this a lot better as it looks so natural.
the water was so clear it was amazing. when we went for a swim you could see the bottom of the creek...so beautiful!

lots of stone's...hence why it is called stoney creek

a pic that i took close up of the running water...you can kinda get the idea...kinda...hehehe.

hhhmmm...what else. we had my stepdads daughter, her husband and cutey pie girls come up on sunday. the girls are soooo cute. we took them for a walk...and let them paddle in the water...was pretty fun. there is nothing like spending an afternoon with little kids

sunday nite we cooked a huge roast in the camp oven with damper and roast veges! and of course toasted some marshmellows. the funniest thing was my mum catching her shoe on fire from the candle that was under her seat. was so fucking funny! i wish i had of taken a pic of her running around like a mad woman trying to put her shoe out...lol.
i'm sure there are probably heaps of other funny things that happened...but they totally slip my mind. my sister does so many stupid things that they all meld into one after a while. anyways that was my weekend. very relaxing and beautiful. the stars at nite were just stunning. so wish i cld have taken a photo of them as well. definately going to go camping again soon. there is nothing like being out in the bush with no modern cons...sitting around a camp fire doing nothing. it is so peaceful

Hope you're feeling better though, I don't like to see a lady unwell, send you some flowers over.