*sigh* damn i piss me off sometimes. i get myself so worked up over things that can't be helped and then cry myself to sleep. i'm so stupid. but it does help when i have a friend who i can talk to...even if they are far away...and i don't talk to them much. and even tho i don't seem to take any notice of what they say...there are just some people in the world that can say something and in a weird way i take a lot of notice....and this person is one of them.
today was a shitty and each second of the day reminded me how much i hate being here...how much i hate my job...and how much i want to get out of this town! but i guess i must make the most of it while i'm here. no point getting depressed and down about something when i know it will take time. *double sigh*
on a good note...it was really nice to see mum this afternoon. she made me feel much happier and she is being really supportive about me wanting to move. she thinks it will do me a lot of good. she let me sit down and talk to her about why i was upset...it was nice. she also set me up for dinner tonite as well...giving me vegies and stuff to take home to cook. i'm starting to get sick so she made sure that i had stuff for dinner. was very nice. it is nice when she is caring and supportive...makes me feel like i have a close family. my sister was there too...all 3 of us had a chat. was really nice.
well i'm off to bed. been a long day...and a long weekend.
.....and the evening closes with me putting up a psw set
today was a shitty and each second of the day reminded me how much i hate being here...how much i hate my job...and how much i want to get out of this town! but i guess i must make the most of it while i'm here. no point getting depressed and down about something when i know it will take time. *double sigh*
on a good note...it was really nice to see mum this afternoon. she made me feel much happier and she is being really supportive about me wanting to move. she thinks it will do me a lot of good. she let me sit down and talk to her about why i was upset...it was nice. she also set me up for dinner tonite as well...giving me vegies and stuff to take home to cook. i'm starting to get sick so she made sure that i had stuff for dinner. was very nice. it is nice when she is caring and supportive...makes me feel like i have a close family. my sister was there too...all 3 of us had a chat. was really nice.
well i'm off to bed. been a long day...and a long weekend.
.....and the evening closes with me putting up a psw set

hope to see more in the future!
im sorry this makes little sense. i'm kinda in a rutt myxelf. i need a break. sometimes i hate being in this skin o' mine.
"si en la noche, lloras por el sol, tus lagrimas impediran, ver la belleza, de la estrellas"
it means if at night you cry for the sun your tears will blind you to the beauty of the stars. but i guess you already knew that anyway right...if you need a houlder mine are always available. just so ya know.