some bastard took my damn gym card tonite. it was in the top drawer of the desky thing where we put keys and cards and when i went to get mine some fucker had taken it! what the hell they want with my card i don't freaking know. so i go up and tell the guy at the desk...and he is have you worked out yet..? no fuckwit i'm standing here dripping with sweat cause walking up the stairs is just too much for a person like me
however...i'm sure it was an accident that someone picked up the wrong card.
interview tomorrow *runs away and hides*
and only a week until i fly off to Brisbane for a loooong weekend...YAY! i'm so looking forward to getting out of this shit hole. some shopping and general sillyness is in order me thinks
laters fellow sg'ers. hope everyone is fantabulous!

however...i'm sure it was an accident that someone picked up the wrong card.
interview tomorrow *runs away and hides*
and only a week until i fly off to Brisbane for a loooong weekend...YAY! i'm so looking forward to getting out of this shit hole. some shopping and general sillyness is in order me thinks

laters fellow sg'ers. hope everyone is fantabulous!

see ya then mate.
And good luck!!