i had the greatest of greatest news today! i got an interview for that job i applied for
i am so so excited. but i still gotta get through the interview yet.
also i have 2 people coming to look through my flat tomorrow...woohoo! so hopefully one of them will make an application and get it and then i can get out early! speaking of that...i should be cleaning instead of being on SG. but it is soooo addictive..hehehe.
have good weekends everyone

also i have 2 people coming to look through my flat tomorrow...woohoo! so hopefully one of them will make an application and get it and then i can get out early! speaking of that...i should be cleaning instead of being on SG. but it is soooo addictive..hehehe.
have good weekends everyone

well if he were only ummmm shaped like a banana then maybe....? Men and Egos...weird huh?
Congrats on the job interview!!! I hope you get it... I have one on Wednesday.... so fingers and toes crossed for the both of us.... he he he.... Good luck special, mwah
B xx