can't sleep...clown's gunna eat me. can't sleep...clown's gunna eat me. can't sleep...clown's gunna eat me...or something like that
i can't sleep
damn i hate not being able to sleep. i'm ssssssssoooooooo tired but my stupid brain won't shut off!! and what is that i hear you say...don't think about it...HA! that is all good and well to say, but then you go in your head...stop thinking about that you can't sleep...clear your head of all your'll be able to sleep if you don't think. oh hang on...this is a thought that i'm thinking to tell myself to stop thinking about thinking about not sleeping!!! it is just a vicious circle!!!! gggrrrrr
and now i have the hicups....nnnnnnnnnnooooooo!!! damn it just isn't a good nite all around. ok well off to read my book once again to try and make myself sleep. had read for a good 2 hours and thought...yep...i'm definately tired. turned out the light and i've been tossing for ages. back to try try again.

i can't sleep

and now i have the hicups....nnnnnnnnnnooooooo!!! damn it just isn't a good nite all around. ok well off to read my book once again to try and make myself sleep. had read for a good 2 hours and thought...yep...i'm definately tired. turned out the light and i've been tossing for ages. back to try try again.

yeah, the piercing did hurt a lot, but i figure what's a little bit of pain for lots of fun
They've settled down heaps now, so it's all good.

will have to see my life is so fullon at the moment im a full time student and work as well and a wife and mother its fucking crazy