holy crap it is hot here! this weekend was stinky stinky hot which totally sucked. i so can't wait for my aircon to be installed. damn having to wait a few more weeks! but it will be bliss!
besides the heat i had a great weekend. had a friend come visit which was fun. got up to various stuff which was pretty cool
a mischievous weekend always heightens the spirits!
other than that not much else to report. found out yesterday that a "friend" is engaged. thought she was joking but it is true. am really pissed off about the whole thing...but it is a long story and a lot behind it. not so much pissed off about the engagement just about her way about going with various things. suppose that was just the icing on the cake with her.
i'm sure now she thinks i'm pissed off about the engagement cause i got pissed off at her and just left...so knowing her narrow mindedness she will think i'm pissed that she is getting married....but i'm not. good for her she is happy though...i'm not that cruel. it is about time she is.
anyways....very exhausted so going to try and cool down and sleep. didn't sleep much this weekend....but sometimes that is the sacrifice you have to make...hehehe.
besides the heat i had a great weekend. had a friend come visit which was fun. got up to various stuff which was pretty cool

other than that not much else to report. found out yesterday that a "friend" is engaged. thought she was joking but it is true. am really pissed off about the whole thing...but it is a long story and a lot behind it. not so much pissed off about the engagement just about her way about going with various things. suppose that was just the icing on the cake with her.
i'm sure now she thinks i'm pissed off about the engagement cause i got pissed off at her and just left...so knowing her narrow mindedness she will think i'm pissed that she is getting married....but i'm not. good for her she is happy though...i'm not that cruel. it is about time she is.
anyways....very exhausted so going to try and cool down and sleep. didn't sleep much this weekend....but sometimes that is the sacrifice you have to make...hehehe.
thanks for the nice words
How did you sleep the other night? I had a horrible sleep, I kept sticking to the sheet, yuck!
Last night was much cooler, ah bliss. Except I had to get up at 7 as we were having the place sprayed for spiders, pity it would have been a real nice morning for a sleep in.