dumped my stupid gym today and joined a way better one...YAY! tis very exciting. this place even has a ladies only area where no guys are allowed. i feel self consicous when i work out around guys so it will be good to work out in peace
also...got my loan today...yeh yeh yeh!!! very very happy kirst
get to now only pay off one thing instead of many AANNDD get to get a new lounge, a PS2 or Xbox (can't decide), get my car fixed and get a new dvd player (maybe). am going to be very very happy with my new purchases. oh and an mp3 player if i have some monies left...hehehe.
speaking of PS2 and Xbox...suggestions anyone..?
There are pro's and con's to both. I have discovered that the games i like are on both...which is annoying cause it would have been an easy decision otherwise. so...tell me your expereiences. which is better. which would be better in the long run...bla bla bla. i haven't played the xbox mainly cause i don't know anyone with one,,,but have played PS2 and it seems like a normal game playing funness...lol. so yes...opinions would be appreciated.
i fell icky in the belly. i think my dinner was a little funky
well i'm off to bed. it is nice and rainy here so it makes me really sleepy...which i don't mind cause i get to catch some zzzz's while it isn't so damn hot!!

also...got my loan today...yeh yeh yeh!!! very very happy kirst

speaking of PS2 and Xbox...suggestions anyone..?
There are pro's and con's to both. I have discovered that the games i like are on both...which is annoying cause it would have been an easy decision otherwise. so...tell me your expereiences. which is better. which would be better in the long run...bla bla bla. i haven't played the xbox mainly cause i don't know anyone with one,,,but have played PS2 and it seems like a normal game playing funness...lol. so yes...opinions would be appreciated.
i fell icky in the belly. i think my dinner was a little funky

well i'm off to bed. it is nice and rainy here so it makes me really sleepy...which i don't mind cause i get to catch some zzzz's while it isn't so damn hot!!
I have both a PS2 and an XBOX. It is a hard decision. But you should know that both can function as a DVD player, so you wouldn't need to buy a separate DVD player. To play DVDs on XBOX you wil need to buy the special remote, but then with XBOX you don't have to buy memory cards like the PS2. Another nice feature on XBOX is you can store music on the built in hard-drive. You can copy music from your CDs onto the XBOX and make custom soundtracks.
ok well, not really lost it. more like gave it a rest for a while...so many fettishes