AARRGGHH!! i hate it when there is someone you want so fucking bad and it isn't possible to have them cause they live in another town!
i think my only saving grace is knowing that he will be here soon
well the weather has finally finally cooled down (touch wood). it is actually bearable that i can sleep properly again and i don't have to take cold showers every two seconds! not that cold showers suck...but you can only take so many before you become all pruney from being under the water too long
only one more work day (monday) until i'm on holidays! wooohhhooooo!!! *claps hands* then i'll be off for two weeks. but monday nite i'm going out to get totally smashed! going out with work buddies to the glenny and gunna have a blast! well hopefully anyways. i have a feeling that only me, another girl and a guy will be left...cause we seem to be the only people who are actually keen to go! oh well...all the more to drink for us
well..other than that my life isn't anymore exciting. laters....

well the weather has finally finally cooled down (touch wood). it is actually bearable that i can sleep properly again and i don't have to take cold showers every two seconds! not that cold showers suck...but you can only take so many before you become all pruney from being under the water too long

only one more work day (monday) until i'm on holidays! wooohhhooooo!!! *claps hands* then i'll be off for two weeks. but monday nite i'm going out to get totally smashed! going out with work buddies to the glenny and gunna have a blast! well hopefully anyways. i have a feeling that only me, another girl and a guy will be left...cause we seem to be the only people who are actually keen to go! oh well...all the more to drink for us

well..other than that my life isn't anymore exciting. laters....
so the countdown is on till the boy arrives.. let the fun begin..