no work today...YAY. i have heaps of things i should be doing but i'm having a real lazy day. i suppose i should probably go and do some shopping...get some christmas presents. *meh* i hate christmas shopping...i always spend too much damn money
and now i have to listen to some stupid persons shitty music! oh well i will just play who can turn theirs up the loudest!
weekend turned to shit and didn't do anything at all...but oh well. the best thing that happened was i met my landlords who are very nice and hopefully are going to give me an airconditioner...woohoo...but also gave me a $50 gift voucher to shopping fair just cause i'm a good tenant...YAY. now i can get seinfield DVD box sets...woohooo
what else...uuummm...not a lot. very bored...and still want rough sex!
i'm still extremely bored. if anyone feels like it come chat to me on msn (yes this is how bored i am)!

and now i have to listen to some stupid persons shitty music! oh well i will just play who can turn theirs up the loudest!

weekend turned to shit and didn't do anything at all...but oh well. the best thing that happened was i met my landlords who are very nice and hopefully are going to give me an airconditioner...woohoo...but also gave me a $50 gift voucher to shopping fair just cause i'm a good tenant...YAY. now i can get seinfield DVD box sets...woohooo

what else...uuummm...not a lot. very bored...and still want rough sex!
i'm still extremely bored. if anyone feels like it come chat to me on msn (yes this is how bored i am)!
hmmm, air con, sounds fun........
Everyone wants something ....