So I am 42 today.... fuck y'all
Yeah I have been drinking. I should be working on my senior thesis. Yet I am a shot or two of Jack Daniels too far away from that.
I have to ask myself, am I drinking because I am the legal age to drink times two? Or am I drinking to avoid reflection of my life and the complete lack of what I have accomplished. I do not mean what I have accomplished in a traditional materialistic sort of way. I mean what sort of impact have I left upon this world?
Maybe I should change my name to the "Jack Daniels Philosopher" I might get more friends, since this screen name is directly related to my BDSM past. Which does relate to SG in a way. I must be honest, when I joined, I did not expect to see a full community of real people! I joined just to see a female singer I saw in concert a few times topless. Guess I got more than I expected, in a good way.
So to all of you, on my friend list, decent people of shared or different opinions... on this day, the celebration of the day of my birth.... I salute all of you!
Now if you will excuse me, I have to fill my shot glass to finish this salute
ps- I would take a fresh pic for everyone, but I am not sure where my digital camera is and I am too fucked up to care
Yeah I have been drinking. I should be working on my senior thesis. Yet I am a shot or two of Jack Daniels too far away from that.
I have to ask myself, am I drinking because I am the legal age to drink times two? Or am I drinking to avoid reflection of my life and the complete lack of what I have accomplished. I do not mean what I have accomplished in a traditional materialistic sort of way. I mean what sort of impact have I left upon this world?
Maybe I should change my name to the "Jack Daniels Philosopher" I might get more friends, since this screen name is directly related to my BDSM past. Which does relate to SG in a way. I must be honest, when I joined, I did not expect to see a full community of real people! I joined just to see a female singer I saw in concert a few times topless. Guess I got more than I expected, in a good way.
So to all of you, on my friend list, decent people of shared or different opinions... on this day, the celebration of the day of my birth.... I salute all of you!
Now if you will excuse me, I have to fill my shot glass to finish this salute

ps- I would take a fresh pic for everyone, but I am not sure where my digital camera is and I am too fucked up to care

Name changes aren't too difficult, though some have had to
end one account to start the new one with the new name.