found a home for the cat. Most of my stuff is packed and I have homes for it. Also my friend Charlie has offered me a place to live until I get back on my feet which should be soon since I filled out a couple of applications I feel really good about. I may be back on minimum wage for a while but it's better than living off nothing. things are already looking up.
More Blogs
Thursday Nov 09, 2006
I just had a crazy dream in the 45 minutes i was asleep. I dreamt i w… -
Wednesday Nov 08, 2006
to build myself up here's a list of people more pathetic than i am! … -
Saturday May 06, 2006
people say nice guys finish last. i disagree. nice guys don't even ge… -
Wednesday Aug 31, 2005
Ok, I promised it. the MENSA story So I'm sittin at home minding m… -
Sunday Aug 21, 2005
Ok i'm sitting here and i've decided to inflate my ego. I'm gonna l… -
Saturday Aug 20, 2005
don't ask me why i just feel like writing the story i told my friend … -
Monday Aug 01, 2005
Hey guys. I'm new here. just came over from another blog site. though…