I handed in my creative writing portfolio yesterday.....8 pieces plus my main piece. I'm kinda loving my main piece. My teacher wants me to enter it into this unpublished short story competition. Only problem is its 5 entry and i didnt have the heart to tell him I dont actually have a fiver lol. I also did my presentation which was lame but was just a pass/fail thing so i passed.
And today my critical approaches in film and tv teacher emailed to say she's giving me a 4 week extension on my huge 4000 word essay that was due on monday and i havent even THOUGHT about yet
so...good times.
Bad news however is that i am currently only 532 words into a 2000 word essay thats due tomorrow, on female representation in american youth cinema. I'm doing mean girls and thirteen. Love those films. I spent all afternoon writing loads of notes and reading articles and stuff but now i cant concerntrate enough to actually write the fucker. I'm hoping i dont have to pull an allnighter, i hate those. Even thinking about it makes me sleeeeepy
Tomorrow i get to put on my best puppy dog face and go beg the uni to give me some money. i need to pay a deposit to move into halls in september but theyve cut off my bursary for stupid reasons and if i dont pay soon then there wont be room for me. I really dont want to live at home, my last 2 years have sucked socially and i would like my last year to actually be fun, especially if daniel is off having fun without me
I'm really sad to be moving home next week. I love having my own place, especially one i share with the love of my life. i can see things getting worse very soon, and im worried my 3 month membership here is going to run out soon (some anonymous person bought it for me...although i slightly suspect an evil marketing ploy by the brains behind SG lol) and i cannot afford to keep it up once it expires. But it has reminded me of how much i love this site, so as soon as i get a job i will be renewing my membership here.
I suppose i should crack my own whip and get on with this goddamn essay....if i dont let myself distracted i might just get it done before midnight and the litre of diet kick (tescos own red bull) i've consumed in the past hour wears off. Although currently the caffine is battling the sugar crash i'm having after eating a bowl of strawberry ice cream and vanilla milkshake pop tarts. Damn Diabetes!!!!!
Just for fun, here is a picture of my cupboard......

And today my critical approaches in film and tv teacher emailed to say she's giving me a 4 week extension on my huge 4000 word essay that was due on monday and i havent even THOUGHT about yet

Bad news however is that i am currently only 532 words into a 2000 word essay thats due tomorrow, on female representation in american youth cinema. I'm doing mean girls and thirteen. Love those films. I spent all afternoon writing loads of notes and reading articles and stuff but now i cant concerntrate enough to actually write the fucker. I'm hoping i dont have to pull an allnighter, i hate those. Even thinking about it makes me sleeeeepy

Tomorrow i get to put on my best puppy dog face and go beg the uni to give me some money. i need to pay a deposit to move into halls in september but theyve cut off my bursary for stupid reasons and if i dont pay soon then there wont be room for me. I really dont want to live at home, my last 2 years have sucked socially and i would like my last year to actually be fun, especially if daniel is off having fun without me

I'm really sad to be moving home next week. I love having my own place, especially one i share with the love of my life. i can see things getting worse very soon, and im worried my 3 month membership here is going to run out soon (some anonymous person bought it for me...although i slightly suspect an evil marketing ploy by the brains behind SG lol) and i cannot afford to keep it up once it expires. But it has reminded me of how much i love this site, so as soon as i get a job i will be renewing my membership here.
I suppose i should crack my own whip and get on with this goddamn essay....if i dont let myself distracted i might just get it done before midnight and the litre of diet kick (tescos own red bull) i've consumed in the past hour wears off. Although currently the caffine is battling the sugar crash i'm having after eating a bowl of strawberry ice cream and vanilla milkshake pop tarts. Damn Diabetes!!!!!
Just for fun, here is a picture of my cupboard......